Genmu Senki Leda | 幻夢戦記レダ | Blu-ray


Genmu Senki Leda

OVA | Blu-ray

Yoko Asagiri is in love, but is afraid to confess her feelings so she writes a song to express her feelings. Much to her dismay, the love song she wrote acted as a bridge connecting the world in which she lived in to that of Earth’s alternate world called “Ashanti.” There, the ruler of that world wants her song so that he could use it to open a doorway to Yoko’s world and conquer it with his armies.

Action, Adventure, Fantasy,
Mahou Shoujo, Mecha, Sci-Fi

Kaname Production,
Nozomi Entertainment


5.00 avg. rating (99% score) - 29 votes

Download Genmu Senki Leda | 幻夢戦記レダ | Blu-ray