Akage no Anne | 赤毛のアン| Blu-ray

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Download Akage no Anne | 赤毛のアン| Blu-ray

36 Responses to “Akage no Anne | 赤毛のアン| Blu-ray

  • fix the links pls ;.;

  • Woah! Sankyu @@hazmadai:disqus for the updates! 🙂

  • Wow. What a nostalgic masterpiece you put here. never thought i could see this one again. oh what memories. anne, diana and the stroy of them. natsukashii

  • FS: Links Updated

    • cool @hazmadai:disqus thanks.

    • Hazmadai-kyun…please help me by re-upload Mitsudomoe anime. Thank you for always sharing the anime with us.

    • If only there is a batch so I could download them all in one go.

  • Please fix these. Only episode one works. The rest are dead links.

  • all link broken except episode 1

  • links for episodes 2-15 are dead

  • wait a minute, these are all 480p and each one has at least 90mb? Isn’t the size supposed to be smaller?


  • its not “Akage no Anne” 2 of episodes links to pokemon english dubbed version…

  • awesome, thanks!

  • Yes. Thank you very much. Bakaiser.

  • Looks like a good anime, thankyou 🙂

    • Yes. This is a gem of the past. A Pure, heart-warming story in an era where anime was pure and unblemished with fan-service and other stuff…

      I’d even go and call it a definitive example of what the “slice of life” genre truly is all about.

      • Do you know any good anime like this one? Especially something with a lot drama and tears, i like that kind of genre..

        • Well there a few classics that would give the same vibe.
          Here are some:

          -Alps no Shoujo Heidi

          -Watashi no Ashinaga Ojisan

          -Haha wo Tazunete Sanzenri (*A friend recommended me this one)

          Although, if you are really looking for something with “drama and tears”, my top recommendation for you is:
          -Maison Ikkoku

          *Take note that this is very different from my recommendations above because this one is more mature. If you know any of Rumiko’s works, well, this has a great balance between drama, comedy, romance, and slice of life.

          To me, this is truly a “great classic” in its respective genre.

          • Sweet, Maison Ikkoku looks promising. Too bad i can’t find it in Anime Chiby. Rumiko Takahasi, this the first time i hear her name, but i know some of her work. And yes, her work is great.
            Thanks for the great recommendation, it’ll be a great title to add to my collection 🙂

          • Oh no…….I got mine a few months ago from animechiby, they had Maison Ikkoku in Blu-ray.
            If its gone now, it was probably DMCA-ed…I’ll try to look on my sources on where I can find it.

            If you have a chatango, log-in it, ’cause posting links here are not allowed.

          • I found you an alternative source. Log-in in Chatango so I can pm it to you. My name is the same in chatango.

  • Thank you so much for this!

  • Aaaahh…. The memories I have with this anime, are irreplaceable. A great anime of my childhood…

    • Although Anne was skinnier than the cover pic and had freckles. …

      • this is like Watashi no Ashinaga Ojisan

        • Daddy Long Legs… yes. But now that I think about it, that damned jisan was a lolicon, to be after her at that age… lol (just kidding, the same nostalgic anime…. and there are many more like them)

          • yeah I miss look when i searching in google.. i think i wa dejavu hehe

    • Wow if I may ask how old are you exactly..!?? I was born in 1990 so my childhood animes (that I remember) were Dr. Slump, Anpanman, Mahoujin Guru Guru, Monster Farm, B’T X, Gundam Wing, Rurouni Kenshin, Saint Seiya, etc.
      Sorry for my curiosity 🙂

      • Well, I was born in 1996, but that’s all irrelevant, it depends on the stuff ur country’s TV airs, which we literally grew up with Japanese anime…. 90% of the cartoon were anime (except for Tom and Jerry, Pink Panther and road runner and bunch of other stuff from my father’s generation which would be 1960s….)

        • Ow I thought you were born in 70’s or 80’s because this anime aired around mid 80’s at least in my country, I knew from my uncle. Like I said I’m just curious and turned out you’re younger than me and I never knew about this anime in my childhood 😀

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