Akame ga Kill! | アカメが斬る! | Blu-ray

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Download Akame ga Kill! | アカメが斬る! | Blu-ray

22 Responses to “Akame ga Kill! | アカメが斬る! | Blu-ray

  • tq admin <3

  • pls upload this admin, tq

  • Hi Admin
    Can you please re-upload this?
    All main episodes are down, but ONA episodes are still up on solidfiles

  • 4/17/2020
    Links are still working. Thank you!

  • why is the ONA have some numbers with the BD?. . whats the difference? is it worth watching?

  • What’s the sub source? I see the Tsundere tag but is that just the BD source or are they also using their own subtitles or someone else’s?

    • Original Net Animation. These are the ones that are released from the internet, it’s different from the TV Broadcast

      • may i know what’s the difference between ONA and TV? thanks

        • I’m not really sure since this is my first time encountering an ONA. But from what I’ve researched, ONAs are released directly from the internet. Example of an ONA is Chuu2 Lite

    • sooo should i download ONA too?

  • What is the difference between this one and the old non-BD one? Is this uncensored or something?

    • i hope you are aware what is the difference between TV ver and BD ver….. they will not release BD ver if TV ver is better.

      • I only know usual the difference is BD one either uncensored or have extra scene. As for the image quality, I see usually there is no difference. That’s why I ask.

        • if you can not see any difference in the video then it is a problem on your part.

          • He’s asking what’s the difference between the TV ver and the BD ver, i think he doesn’t understand stuffs like that. One of the differences is that blood is censored at TV ver.

  • Where is ONA? ONA link have 24eps of original story.

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