hi there… actually your releases good; especially for this series. but i really appreciate more if you can upload blazblue 720p HS mini encoded thus i tried to find anywhere but i couldn’t find them… hope you’ll upload the HS ver. for this series.. thanks a lot
I can’t enter any of your linkbucks link. it says google chrome can’t connect to lnk.acb.im. This is only my suggestion but can you please use adf.ly (just like in eps.4) for your proxy rather than linkbucks? Linkbucks often force download an application into my PC & it’s annoying, adf.ly also more familiar though
Hi, Buddy
Please Reupload This Anime. I Waiting For This. Thanks.
links are disabled would you please reupload them
thank you
links are dead would you please reupload them
thank you
links are dead would you please reupload them
thank you
will you include the specials soon?
All links working for me ^^
fix this anime link please
hi bakaiser-san all links are dead:(
would you mine reupload 720 if it’s possible?
arigato gozaimasu
sorry, can you reupload this anime…
all link already dead… T__T
Hi, the links don’t seem to be working anymore
stuck on http://bc.vc/H6p9iC won’t load past this
please try again
Pliz check and repair the links… most of the links are not working…
reuploaded, try again
Epi 2 is dead :/
episode 8 “500 – Server internal error”, pls fix
Finally, Commie sub of Eps 9-12 are here. Thank you.
Please upload 09-12 Commie sub.
Commie drop this show
Any updates for episode 10-12 Commie sub? Thank you.
so any word on the last 3 commie subbed episodes ??
i forgot; i need the HS ver. (720p) from ep. 2 to ep. 9 thx
hi there… actually your releases good; especially for this series. but i really appreciate more if you can upload blazblue 720p HS mini encoded thus i tried to find anywhere but i couldn’t find them… hope you’ll upload the HS ver. for this series.. thanks a lot
Good i’ll take the HS version for now
It has been almost a week and commie didn’t release ep 10
Maybe you should switch to horriblesubs
can’t download episode 9
is it down?
Sir Linkbucks in EP.08 is down please reroute to Adlfy. Thank you very much
fix every link which contains adf.ly
as soon as possible
Please Upload Episode 5 its Already out waiting for your Rip…!!!??
all links are SD, and mirror creator are embed, embed are mirror creator.
fixed please try again
it works, thanks.
hd links become sd….
fixed please try again
4th episode of BlazBlue link between embed and mirror in 720p were shuffled.
I can’t enter any of your linkbucks link. it says google chrome can’t connect to lnk.acb.im. This is only my suggestion but can you please use adf.ly (just like in eps.4) for your proxy rather than linkbucks? Linkbucks often force download an application into my PC & it’s annoying, adf.ly also more familiar though
SD contain HD link
HD contain SD link
fixed please try again
Is there a delay on this season? Cause episode four has been out for a bit, and I haven’t seen it up on here yet.
not released yet from commie fansub http://commiesubs.com/showtimes/
Arsandy thanks for the episode and the MirrorCreator for 720p is 480p
can u fix it ASAP
next episode 3 ^_^ waiting
link seem like broken please fix
Can you upload horriblesubs for this?
Oops sorry, I thought you’re only uploading commie. Waiting for episode 2 thx
commie’s subs? is it still hardsub or softsub? just asking before download. not gonna waste my net quota. thx whoever replied
Thanks for Commie subs!
softsubs or hardsubs bakaiser ???
Its Hardsubs…!!!!