Date A Live | デート・ア・ライブ | Blu-ray
Date A Live
12 Episodes | Blu-ray
Thirty years before a strange phenomena called a “spacequake” devastated the center of Eurasia, claiming the lives of at least 150 million people. Since then, smaller spacequakes plague the world on an irregular basis. Shidou Itsuka, a seemingly ordinary high schooler comes across a mysterious girl at the ground zero of a spacequake and learns from his sister Kotori she is one of the “Spirits” who are the real cause of the spacequakes that occur when they manifest themselves in the world.
Action, Comedy, Ecchi, Fantasy,
Mecha, Romance, Sci-Fi
AIC Plus+, Funimation,
Nippon Columbia
All GD links (S4) are working fine..
Dec 16-17th, 2022
woah full package
Why Date a Bullet is not here on Chiby?
Thanks waiting s3
btw does DC ver better than original?
Thank you Bakaiser-sama.
ep 8 link down
upload a new one please….
please reupload season 1, 2 and movie.. link down..
link down
encore episode? where is it?
Directors Cut = BLuray?
Thanks for the reupload Bakaisaer-Sama, I’ve waiting for this.
Date A Live Movie: Mayuri Judgment FFF added.
Plz fix the movie link
link down please fix it
fix link pls
s2 links are dead
Bakaiser-sama the links for directors cut is down.. May thy upload it again thanks
Director’s Cut, Season 2 and Movie are down, please re-up
admin, link for Date A Live Movie: Mayuri Judgment was dead. can u re-upload it .
is that DAL director’s cut is season 1 or season 2?
So what’s the new update here?
directors cut added but i have no idea whats the difference
I thought it was the movie update
…. thanks for the response…
Do I have to download D.A.L. Director’s Cut after the D.A.L. S1? Which one do I have to download first?.
Just download the director’s cut, no need to download S1
Thanks for your help Katholika ^_^
where is the directors cut?
Umm… what happened to Director’s cut links? I’m sure it was posted on this page
Is the season 1 here a director’s cut?
is it just me or the encode quality is drooped for smaller file size?
Please upload Directors cut Bakaiser-sama
The subs for the movie is really bad.. T_T
ya! same as on various sites.
no directors cut?
at last the movie, thanks ACB!!
Boruto and Love live the movie please. :3
Boruto’s video quality is good enough, unfortunately the Jap audio was still low quality (CAMRip). Better wait for official BD/DVD ver this July.
Love Live Movie had been around since late December, the torrents are everywhere. I’ve downloaded the 1080p ver from animetosho since January because seems no one wants to encode, probably afraid of the DMCA risk and got taken down.
The movie out time to download!!
Thanks Bakaiser San.
Yup. Cool
ah finally the proper sub for S2
– DATE A LIVE II – FFF proper sub added.
– Date A Live Movie: Mayuri Judgment added
– New Links added
where is director cut?
may i know which group subbed the movie please?
what fansub did you use on the movie?
Hi, Directors Cut Episode 12 and 13 is incomplete it is only 23 mins each…
Link for Date a Live episode 6-11 is redirecting to Google.
S1 episode 6 to 11 is automatic directing to google
s1 ep 9 – ova link dead pls reupload
Why don’t have 1080p?
what’s Directors Cut
isn’t there movie
thank you at all
S1 episode 6-11 links redirect to google…
make a tag ecchi -.-
did u have date a live movie?
why date a live and date a live director cut episode 12 and ova same vids?
Dear admin-san, I can’t download DAL II either from Solidfiles nor Tusfiles.. would you please kindly fix it? Arigatou ^^
still waitting for the Director cut fix..
is it already fixed?
HI Admin-san, please fix the Date A Live D.C episode 12 sync problem and the link for it. And also please fix link for Date A Live D.C episode 13.
Thanks a lot.
why link for director cut episode 12 and 13 give us DAL_Pro instead of DAL_DC like other 11 episode
ep12 dc solidfiles is same as season 1 ep 12 and for tusfiles it direct me to google..
Yes it is same.
Admin-san, please fix the Date A Live D.C episode 12 sync problem and the link for it.
Thanks a lot.
Thanks Bakaiser for fixing the ep 12 of Director’s Cut
Date.A.Live II fixed [1-11]. Cheers!
do you mean subtitle are already fix, without the unknown script?
is it subtitle fixed?? what source?
Bakaiser-san!! CHEERS!!
kindly fix the Date A Live D.C episode 12 sync problem
Hi Admin-san, have u fixed the epilogue of Date A Live D.C episode 12 (the subs didn’t sync with the video)?
Thank You.
what about
Date A Live – Encore OVA & Date A Live – Movie
Admin-san, please fix the epilogue of Date A Live D.C episode 12, the subs didn’t sync with the video.
Thank you.
will wait for fixes before I download…
thanks Bakaiser..been waiting..:D
Are the “unknown script” problems fixed?
can’t download Date A Live OVA…
never mind… (just problem with my download… sorry)
Is the director’s cut is worth to download? I already download the BD ver. Is there any differences in quality and scene? ( hope there is no problem such as sync and unknown script in season 2 )
Really worth if you ask me coz there are extended scene in some of the episodes and also the BD is a little blurry than the D.C. Just a minor problem in the subs at ep 12 just like my comments below.
Is it just me or the Director’s Cut has the better quality on the picture?
P.S : The 12th episode seems to be having a problem with the ending. The subs didn’t sync with the video. It becomes jumbled after this scene. Would you mind fix it?
Would someone clarify this problem on Date A Live D.C episode 12? Or is it just me who have this problem?
I have the same problem. After that scene (epilogue), the subs didn’t sync with the video.
Admin-san, please fix that problem.
Thank you.
what is the difference between date a live and date a live directors cut? which one is better for me to download between this two?
The same as extended. however, the director is free whether to add or not the scenes he/she prefers.
In short, there will be additional or not, compare to the usual version.
It’s up to you what you want to watch. Both usual n director’s are good to watch though
thanks mate
hi to everyone who is wondering about what those “translated from LN” & “unknown script” are. please allow me to clarify.
the original TV broad-casted version was subbed by the fansub group called FFF. When the BD version released, there were additional scenes in those episodes that was not in the original TV broad-casted version.
some person (not from the fansub group FFF) took those original subs done by FFF and retimed them to fit of the BD release to include the new scenes. the person who did this, used translations from the light novel (LN) to try and fill in as much of the dialogue for the new scenes as possible. the lines that he could not fill in were marked as “unknown script”, because those scenes did not have a translation in the light novel and so they could not be added to this script.
if you want a version that is fully subbed (with no “unknown script” & “Trans from LN” lines) you will have to wait for the original fansub group FFF to do the BD release and then sub those additional scenes. until that happens, this current version is the best subbed release for the BD version of the show.
Thank you for this explanation. It clarifies the issue quite a bit.
no problem lelou, i’m glad i could be of some assistance
FIX IT PLEASE!!!!!!!!! THE OLD ONE AND NEW UPLOAD IS SAME!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT THE DIFFERENT????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
what is this “trans from LN”? episode 2 of date a live 2
the date a live 2, still got “unknown script” i thought, it was fixed. please check again and resub into sallysubs.. thank you in advance
this is episode 1, i dont think if the other episode will be the same.
So yeah just checked the other episodes and im getting some unk scrip too . (since i can understand it dosent matter) but we want it fix . still irritaiting to look at .
Getting “Unknown Script” all over
darkrai234 is right.. FIX IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The “unknown script” problem is not fixed, please upload the one at SallySubs instead of FFF, thank you!!!
Hi admin-san, can u make a “mark” for each DAL II BD Ep. which has been fixed for “unknown script” problem please? it easy to decide what ep. i can download first.
In case u haven’t read my comment below: “please encode Date A Live Director’s Cut Blu-Ray. The
blu-ray version has 25 minutes extra scenes. “SallySubs” has already
completed that version.”
Admin-san, thank you very much.
Is the ‘unknown script’ had been fixed??
On eps 1
Season II up and running..thanks Baikaser and ACB team.
season II links can’t open…
when is the movie gonna be uploaded ?
Is the ‘unknown script’ had been fixed??
nope, still same as before. FFF still up to vol. 3/ eps6
it seems moderator deleted my posted link…..btw its not my link..its bakaiser-san’s links..i just copied-pasted from this thread…..
sir, where is the link of the 2nd season?
season 2 can’t open
Cant open DA 2 :/ BOTH LINKS !
Nope….If u need links,i can help u with that………
then please help
Here it is……Only Solidfiles Links…If u need Tusfile Links i can provide that later……..
where ? yeah solidfiles would be great .
Check my upper comment………i posted the link what i found from this site…..
Saw it , thanks .
For subs merge with it fff bd subs……..
check episode 1 and there seems no problem to me with the subs.
any unknown script?
none at all . seems fine to me ?
Wheres the link? i didn’t see it tho
More than half of subtitles are missing in Season 2 shows ‘Unknown script’
Merge with FFF BD subs…FFF released only some BD of season 2…….
Yup…I encoded that dir cut version……It has some extra scenes too…
i can’t seem to open link to second season in solidfiles
same here , nothing happens
Tusfile also doesn’t work
Found the link of both solidfiles & tusfile too…..Completed Downloading…
wheres the link ? cant seem to find it
Sorry if I posted on this page since the Movie/OVA request Section is now closed too.
Thank you very much.
the section is already open today
The Blu-Ray has open, but The Movie/Ova hasn’t
cant open solidfiles or tusfiles links plz fix them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
plz fix the season 2
post it to reupload request
i really want this anime please fix the season
cant open date a live II
can please fix season 2 cant open the link thank…
please fix season 2,,, subtitle problem “unknown script”…..
It seems in season 2, the blu-ray exclusive scenes are encountering ‘Unknown Scripts’ on its subs… Maybe should wait for other fansubbers to fix this
the subs S2 is fucked, maybe you should wait for FFF release
DAL II, was already fix the sub-title problems?
this is the season 2 subtitle… it went “unknown script” after the opening… please fix this problem.. Thanks and Good Luck @bakaiser:disqus
is this already fixed?
where Are u Admin? Somebody help me!!!!!
So should i download it or wait until it is fix?
This is unwatchable , except for people who know Japanese because just to many lines of translation is missing.
And like Lim85 said it is problem with source version.
Yeah I though so, better wait until the source done well….
which season is unwatchable?
Second season, it’s watchable, just the subtitle that missing translation. if you try in some episode it contains many dialog that didn’t translate into subtitle (just said “(unknown script)” and many line like “trans from LN”)
what happen to unknow script 1 – 32?
season 2 also BD??
before complain/post here about “unknown script” , better check info at:
wow DAL II also BD?
please admin~~~link~~tq
Thank you Bakaiser-san
page not found, please re-upload again
same here
page not found
The site that you’re trying to reach
does not exist or has been moved
404 page not found
links dead….please re-upload it
All of the links are dead… Please reupload it, admin…
The links are dead.
PLZ SOME HELP Links are not working i need this anime
Is there nipple here?
lol what a reply
lol what a comment :3
When will you encode the second season of this series? ^_^
no source yet. The other one is on 10-bit
which is better? this new post or that old 10-bit?