Hi, can admin please re-upload these episodes provided?
Episodes: 376,377,378,379,380,381,382,384,385,404
Anyone who need password for rar files : acb
Thanks admin!
Ossu! My name is Izzuddin! Currently in my AnimeChiby collection, there
are some missing eposide. Arsandy sama, can you please reupload EP 161 and EP 355 to 361? Thanks Arsandy sama!
479 is filed with ads.. u need to disable any adblock you use, during adfly site, then the main mirror chose site will open on new tab…then the usual linksare site.. then u now the drill
reup links for ep 319 SD & 351 SD Taka…. links for ep 353 – 364 SD Kurama is also down request for reup also…thank you in advance and would really appreciate it..(^_^)/
I think the animators are trying to extend the episodes till they reach the same number as the manga …
Manga ended at 700 chapters …
Anime first season had 220 episodes … Now Shippuden has crossed 450 … my guess will be that the anime will either end at 480 or 500 just for the sake of a fancy number ending
really good encoding,, i even re-download my anime from this site to replace the older one,,, thanks to provide us with this good things,,, btw,, kurama fansubs already at episode 385,,, upload it please,,, im sure almost all naruto fans prefer kurama fansubs to horibble subs,,, thank you
Ep 427 and 428 already out, and yet no update…
But still I really love ur encodes, even if I dl from somewhere els, after your updates, I dl yours and delete the old one…. Why? Coz ur one of the best and my fav. Keep it up and be faster on updating please.
Please sort this issue out, it would be much appreciated. This isssue seems to be affecting mobile users only (not sure about PC users) I’ve messaged the animechiby facebook page as well as posted on their page, but I’ve received no response, which is why I’m asking here. There was also another mobile user on the page who posted about this issue.
Really hoping something can be done about it & again I apologize for the random post.
Please sort this issue out, it would be much appreciated. This isssue seems to be affecting mobile users only (not sure about PC users) I’ve messaged the animechiby facebook page as well as posted on their page, but I’ve received no response, which is why I’m asking here. There was also another mobile user on the page who posted about this issue.
Really hoping something can be done about it & again I apologize for the random post.
(Sorry for the double post, was unsure if the first message sent)
Also post 88-250 episodes in taka/kurama 480p (40-60mb) format.
As due to size issue many prefer 480p .
Also for rest episodes people are able to download 480p ,but for 88-250 there’s no 480p episodes.
Can not download episodes 381, 382, 383, 384, 385, 387, 388, 390, 391, 392, 393, the links are just advertisement.
But anyway thanks for your work, I am actually very surprised to see that much links to be working.
EP 251-300 has a password..why didn’t you include the password???took me a while and the password is only “acb” if it needs password in the first place,PLSSSS indicate the password
Hello?? Why EP 150 nid password to unzip??It took me while to unlock it and the password is juz oni “acb”, pls state If nid password.
(sorry for bad English)
you know what happen in Konoha when Naruto went training for 2 years, no. So this is some kind of disclosure for the author, Kishimoto-sensei. So he can rest assured when everything is explained.
it doesn’t even have a password, just download and watch…
you may have noticed it’s an v2 that had its normal .mkv file extension so you didn’t even need to rename it…
nope… there are no passwords, you simply have to rename them… I just recently downloaded them all and they had no passwords but I DID rename them from .acb to .mkv and they work fine…
this may sound stupid
but if you have the same problem as me, aka it always links to some site called “filmon” then I still don’t know why that happens but funnily the following works for me:
I googled “linkshrink not working”
I clicked some sites but actually everthing is old so I found no help
anyway I retried the links (obviously I opened the links again or at least refreshd the pages) and like magic only the usual ads came and I could click the button after the 5 seconds were gone
I re-experience this since weeks now, but everytime I just google “linkshrink not working” again and THEN refresh the paste link site and click the link it works… don’t ask me why
simple question: is it worth waiting for Kurama subs?
I just decided I might watch Naruto and Naruto Shippuden and am currently downloading everything.
So I just want an honest opinion if it’s worth waiting for them or just go with Horriblesubs.
When Naruto Shippuuden started, it was still in the 480p era. During Episode 40-50(maybe), They shifted to 1280×720 (HD) Widescreen. And around Episode 120-125, they shifted to 1920×1080 (FHD) Widescreen.
So episodes of 1-40 in 720p does not even exist, and maybe they didn’t have HD for 50-80.
i nearly completed my naruto shippuden episodes but i still dont have a 720p resolution for naruto shippuden episode 1 to 87. can you make a 720p resolution for those episodes?
the episodes were only made in 720p from after episode 54, so you cant get from 1-54 in 720p but animechiby or animekens will have from 55-87 in 720p for sure
(HD) 720p links for Naruto Shippuuden Episode 254, 275, 276 are actually 480p (SD)
Please reupload the correct resolution as this creates a inconsistence.
how do you open this files from mediafire…
i started downloading from episode 1 and all i downloaded was an .acb file (e.g. NS.003.SD.DB.ACB.IM) or (NS.003.SD.DB.ACB.IM.acb) like that, how can u open this files .. plz can someone help me…
sorry, we can’t access episode 365, being routed to two different websites, one is FLV which downloads a program and another site which downloads “my girlfriend is back movie…confused though why it’s doing that and when you click on back, it will say bad request….help please.. thanks
Now that Taka sub is gone, and now I want to download the HS sub from episode 353 to continue. But I can’t even get the download link because all previous links that use shr77.com are not usable anymore.
I am sorry to say this, but Taka sub is already more than 10 episodes late. Will you please consider switching to Hatsuyuki sub instead? I have seen their Fairy Tail release and their sub is very good, so I think their Naruto Shippuden release will have a similar quality as well.
Thanx quality is better…Can u increase size upto 115 to 125 mb for
each Episodes. for same setting…thanx if consider this suggest for
naruto shippuden taka ..These anime
have best fansub is TaKA also Best to rewatch again..So I get best
quality in 120 mb MiniHD 720p anime .Do not change audio
setting..change video setting to obtain 120mb size Episodes
Your Encoding Quality is Awesome Bro.Why don’t u upload in torrent like (Kickass,thepiratebay,…etc).It helps to popular the site name so you get more downloaders here.I Just tell my suggestion dont mistaken it.
Mod, please reupload or fix the links for episode 339 720p Taka. I already try whether from embedupload or mirrorcreator and same problem : the link is not found. Thank’s a lot
adf.acb.im links are not working for me
It is showing that i have this trouble becoz of adblock plus and slow internet connection. I donot have adblock and i have internet connection speed 2mbps. can anyone guide me plz?
I think the Patch doesn’t work for MAC users? Because it seems like all the files are in .exe format or something like that.
+I tried to download NS Episode 236, and when I skipped the adfly it redirected to a link which is fire . animechiby . com but my browser couldn’t open the web, most likely couldn’t connect to the server. Please help. Thank you.
Catchable fatal error: Object of class stdClass could not be converted to string in /home/bcvc/httpdocs/fly/index.php on line 185
can you fix this? thanks
thx ^_^.btw if it is ok with you, can you reecode the horriblesub ver for previous ep as well? not something important actually.jz that I prefer their sub compare to taka. but like I said, its up to you.
nice site! would like to request to fix some links tho. like ep 309. i dunno if there’s a limit in DLing but it redirects to cc.cc and cant DL some vids.
been a fan of ur awsome work animechiby.. !
cheers from the philippines! \m/
Wish that you will upload naruto shippuden bluray version soon
What is the password of the rar
What is password
it seems we been forsaken :'(
Most late links are broken, can you please fix them?
please reupload in bluray version
pls reupload the whole series bluray version
pls reupload the whole series bluray version
Will it come to blu ray? If it does please upload Thanks for your work!
Can someone fix the links for 376 to 385
please fix 376 to 385 link is not working
please please
i cant download the episodes its showing page is not authorised wat can i do now plz suggest
link to episode 482 is Hakumei to Mikochi 02. please fix it . ty
links with domain http://mt0.org were dead. please reupload, Thanks admin!
Would you upload episode 161?, it has been deleted
At last it ended…
Hi, can admin please re-upload these episodes provided?
Episodes: 376,377,378,379,380,381,382,384,385,404
Anyone who need password for rar files : acb
Thanks admin!
thanks m8
good bye Naruto :’D
episode 404 links are not found, please fix it.
some of these eps are in rar. try putting ‘acb’ as the password. it worked for me.
what is rar password for episode 299??
Ossu! My name is Izzuddin! Currently in my AnimeChiby collection, there
are some missing eposide. Arsandy sama, can you please reupload EP 161 and EP 355 to 361? Thanks Arsandy sama!
episode 492 links are saying that the urls are banned in India plz fix…
Episode 161 is down in mediafire/Taka Subs/720p … can someone give me a link, thank you
Please re-upload episode 376-385, Status: not working.
EP404, there’s no link!! pls fix
links for episode 482 is dead pls reupload thanks..
reupload 376-393 please. ASAP. thx
why i can’t open 479 link….
479 is filed with ads.. u need to disable any adblock you use, during adfly site, then the main mirror chose site will open on new tab…then the usual linksare site.. then u now the drill
thanks… just downloaded…
can you pls repack it? so we can download it with a single link, no need to download it 1by1. torrent files would be good..
Why no link for any episode in mirrorcreator site?
Hello. I want to ask…when the new episode release?
Episode 161 is down in mediafire/Taka Subs/720p … can someone give me a link, thank you
can someone re up 376-393
reup links for ep 319 SD & 351 SD Taka…. links for ep 353 – 364 SD Kurama is also down request for reup also…thank you in advance and would really appreciate it..(^_^)/
Episode 297 is down in mediafire/Horrible Subs/480p … can someone give me a link, thank you
@arsandy:disqus Can you please tell me what is the password for 251 rar file TAKA? Thanks in advance.
mt0.links r down
Hi .. Episode 061, 161, 376~385 , 387~393 , 404 and 413 links are dead.. Please fix …
yes please….
Episode 161 is dead link. Please fix
Please re-upload eps 381 to 400, they are down
in which language are these episodes ?
Please update eps 381 to 400
Ep 161 is no longer available. Please update. Thanks
need the password for ep 150. abc just won’t work.
haha. took me about 10 mins to notice that it is ‘acb’ and not ‘abc’.
downloadnsepisode.blogspot.com is much easier than this site to download naruto shippuden
so.. naruto world is just a fuckup twisted another version on the famous Kaguya Princess folk story… interesting ….
I can’t extract the Zipped files thanks to a password -_-
Hell I need those episodes :'(
what’s the password plz!
what is the password for 251 rar file TAKA????
acb password wont work :((
please help
458.. finally !! the filter ends )))
episode 454 link isn’t working
it keeps on redirecting me to the following link:
It does work. Follow the fix fix fix given at the home page. You have got to add exceptions to acb.im in hosts file to access the page.
ep 161 dead link
file missing or invalid
how much longer will this flash back nightmare continue???? does anybody know?? but please NO SPOILER
9 weeks the shortest?
that is it …. naruto is fuucking trash anime now
I think the animators are trying to extend the episodes till they reach the same number as the manga …
Manga ended at 700 chapters …
Anime first season had 220 episodes … Now Shippuden has crossed 450 … my guess will be that the anime will either end at 480 or 500 just for the sake of a fancy number ending
please update kurama sub
episode 354 480p all links down
Hi, Episode 161 is dead in mediafire. Please reupload. Thank you in advance.
where is the ep 161
Episode 300 is dead.Please reupload
161 dead file. pls reupload
please update kurama sub
still a filler episode, what the hell is wrong with naruto….. -_-
hooray….. fillers
please fix some of episode in season 1 and 2 i can’t open or download it thanks :3
really good encoding,, i even re-download my anime from this site to replace the older one,,, thanks to provide us with this good things,,, btw,, kurama fansubs already at episode 385,,, upload it please,,, im sure almost all naruto fans prefer kurama fansubs to horibble subs,,, thank you
King of the fillers
hahahah IKR, each episode you hope they go back to the main story but instead they feed you with scraps of it
[Error] Episode 163 and 164 file error, ep 163 download mediafire size only 93,21kb
Episode 414 is down D: Please fix it as soon as you can.
Btw, is Hazmadai new? I’m seeing him for the first time, Hi!
Please reupload episode 164. Also, can you add links to the 350+ episodes on a single page like you did with the episodes upto 350?
Thanks a lot for the episodes. i am very glad to have come across this website.
wow goog sites,, btw why all the link down s error,,, please help,,,
Ep 427 and 428 already out, and yet no update…
But still I really love ur encodes, even if I dl from somewhere els, after your updates, I dl yours and delete the old one…. Why? Coz ur one of the best and my fav. Keep it up and be faster on updating please.
it is not delay. we just have different time zone
I see. If you say so mate
Ta for your hardwork
Another thing.
Can you upload to SF separately, like adding SF directly with EmbedUpload and
were episode 427
why there’s a password in 251 to 300?
password : acb
Good morning arsandy, and sorry to just randomly post like this.
I Just wanted to let you know of a problem regarding your acb links & I hope that you can fix them soon.
When I click on a link for an episode/anime I want to download – for example Fairy Tail S2 (2014) 72, I get the following error:
When I click on the link the following redirecting happens:
–> http://lnk.acb.im/jJU6dvnR –> http://goo.gl/jX8c3y –> http://cdn.mcextjmp.com/out/idmln0qo-e6bgsh492156 –> about:blank (it’s also being routed to other sites, but this is the main issue)
Please sort this issue out, it would be much appreciated. This isssue seems to be affecting mobile users only (not sure about PC users) I’ve messaged the animechiby facebook page as well as posted on their page, but I’ve received no response, which is why I’m asking here. There was also another mobile user on the page who posted about this issue.
Really hoping something can be done about it & again I apologize for the random post.
Good morning arsandy, and sorry to just randomly post like this.
I Just wanted to let you know of a problem regarding your acb links & I hope that you can fix them soon.
When I click on a link for an episode/anime I want to download – for example Fairy Tail S2 (2014) 72, I get the following error:
When I click on the link the following redirecting happens:
–> http://lnk.acb.im/jJU6dvnR –> http://goo.gl/jX8c3y –> http://cdn.mcextjmp.com/out/idmln0qo-e6bgsh492156 –> about:blank (it’s also being routed to other sites, but this is the main issue)
Please sort this issue out, it would be much appreciated. This isssue seems to be affecting mobile users only (not sure about PC users) I’ve messaged the animechiby facebook page as well as posted on their page, but I’ve received no response, which is why I’m asking here. There was also another mobile user on the page who posted about this issue.
Really hoping something can be done about it & again I apologize for the random post.
(Sorry for the double post, was unsure if the first message sent)
Can the episodes 1-91 be re uploaded,
there is 2 episodes this week 422 and 423 …….. 422 is missing
check http://horriblesubs.info/ , 422 will be released in few hours, just wait
don’t be a smartass there
422!!!! why no 422?
check http://horriblesubs.info/ , 422 will be released in few hours
Anybody konw where can i download Kurama subtiltes?(ep 378-….)
Kurama is way much better than HS!
there’s a password in episode 251. what is the password?
links dead 363,364 and 365 and more 360++
where is the episode 420???
your episode 418 inside 419 dude.
plz upload kurama fansub naruto 378-384.plz plz plz plz
378-383 kurama sub please . . .
thank you
No episode for this week..?
378++ kurama sub plss…
hai, what is the password for ep 251 ?
Jusr wanted to mention that Kurama eventually continued their subs and released episodes 378-383 so will their version be picked up by you guys again?
Hi we are fixing a lot due to linkshrink is down. we will try to update kurama subs when everything is fine.
Hi, episode 411, 412 and 413’s links are dead.
There is a link problem with episode 380.hope you guys fix it.
please update Naruto shippuden 414 , 415
Links have expired ..
Please update the links >>,….
Also 383-393 is missing the link expired. Maybe you can reupload it? Thx
Hey 414 has nothing… no video or audio
why animechiby not encode the video with hevc because that can save size ??
Hai, admin. What is the password for episode 251 ?
Still waiting the audio video sync issue fix for eps 376-377 480p Kurama sub, if available.
can u fixed the mediafire link from ep 01 to 300?
hello! admin can u pls tell me the password of episode 265 720p?
hello , since the requests are closed i felt i must give you this link to naruto the last : http://mediafre.5gbfree.com/naruto_the_last_bd720p/ hope you encode it and put it in the movies tap
Argh, all hail fillers
admin can you pls tell me which episode after are SOFTSUB ?
Also post 88-250 episodes in taka/kurama 480p (40-60mb) format.
As due to size issue many prefer 480p .
Also for rest episodes people are able to download 480p ,but for 88-250 there’s no 480p episodes.
please upload kurama or taka fansubs 480p episodes. kurama is better than horriblesubs for naruto.
Like yibis is better for OnePiece than horrible subs .
Admin please keep this request.
Episode 404 cannot be found
i cant download the ep 403..the link just freeze
Can not download episodes 381, 382, 383, 384, 385, 387, 388, 390, 391, 392, 393, the links are just advertisement.
But anyway thanks for your work, I am actually very surprised to see that much links to be working.
Can those links be reuploaded ? Please.
Admin please upload Episode 088 – 250 | 480p Taka episodes
Will you please do Hatsuyuki fansubs because it looks like Kurama is dead now…
376 Kurama has a different ep called Absolute Duo not Shippuuden
I can’t access the link for epsd 399… plis fix it
The amount of ADs is too damn high!
EP 251-300 has a password..why didn’t you include the password???took me a while and the password is only “acb” if it needs password in the first place,PLSSSS indicate the password
it’s actually mentioned between the download links you just have to read…
Hello?? Why EP 150 nid password to unzip??It took me while to unlock it and the password is juz oni “acb”, pls state If nid password.
(sorry for bad English)
it is stated perfectly fine perfectly fine within one of the lists of download links, please look carefully before complaining
Even though managa is completed why are they still airing these stupid filler episodes.
you know what happen in Konoha when Naruto went training for 2 years, no. So this is some kind of disclosure for the author, Kishimoto-sensei. So he can rest assured when everything is explained.
if they really want to show these episodes, why are they ruining main story progression. They should release them as specials instead.
yeah your right, i’m just not bothered anymore wth problems we cant solve
Episodes 276 and 277 ask for password
I rename the file NaSh.279.HD.ACB TO NaSh 279 HD.mkv Even though it is not working.
Password : ABC is not working.
May be all Episodes from 250-300 ask for password so i do not download the rest.
Here is the proof for one Episode 276 ask for password and ABC not working.pls help me.
Pls check Episode 276 & 277 and tell me
acb not ABC (case sensitive)
I try both passwords abc and ABC not working .
This is the error message displayed.
acb not abc or ABC duh
OH! Sorry my mistake.By the way Quality is very Good THANK U VERY MUCH arsandy.Now i download rest of the episodes.
still no episode 396??
Link for 395 is down
still waiting for Kurama subs ep 378 or are you not encoding those anymore?
ep NaSh.279.HD.ACB
ask PW “acb” not working
HS sub
it doesn’t even have a password, just download and watch…
you may have noticed it’s an v2 that had its normal .mkv file extension so you didn’t even need to rename it…
plz upload kurama fansubs episide
Episode 088 – 250 | 720p | Taka <- Hardsub or Softsub?
uhmm. how can i know the password? im a newbie here. need help.
thanks in advance
no password for most eps, just rename the files from .acb to .mkv,
only one ep has a password and that’s acb
all ep.s at na. sh. 251-300
ask for pass
nope… there are no passwords, you simply have to rename them… I just recently downloaded them all and they had no passwords but I DID rename them from .acb to .mkv and they work fine…
pls fix ep 300… thanks
Taka subs
Still waiting the audio video sync issue fix for eps 376-377 480p Kurama sub, if available.
To admins here:
Please answer the question above because if the answer is no, then I won’t need to visit this page everyday to check the update.
Thank you.
Waiting for Kurama~
Attention Happy Downloaders,
Here is the actual link for Episode 392 taken from this pages source code on line number 212.
maybe just error at writing the code, haha
forgot to add, eps 392
Please Fix 392
392 link not working pls fix it
Fix it right now please
392 link not working pls fix it
please fix 392
378 Kurama pls?
Please fix the audio-video sync issue for 480p eps 376-377 Kurama sub.
Definitely appreciated if that happen.
Eps 376-377 from Kurama sub has audio sync problem, do anyone have the same problem or it’s just me?
I download twice and the eps 376-377 Kurama is definitely having audio sync problem. Please fix it. Thank you.
Why Ep 300 taka 420 no linkk ! helpp pleasee .
I guess (s)he meant 480p, since that one seems to be down… the 720 works though so why not use that?
your EP 389 and 390 are the same, kindly fix it pls.. thanks
WHAT THE FUCK?! Linkshrink is NOT WORKING!!!
this may sound stupid
but if you have the same problem as me, aka it always links to some site called “filmon” then I still don’t know why that happens but funnily the following works for me:
I googled “linkshrink not working”
I clicked some sites but actually everthing is old so I found no help
anyway I retried the links (obviously I opened the links again or at least refreshd the pages) and like magic only the usual ads came and I could click the button after the 5 seconds were gone
I re-experience this since weeks now, but everytime I just google “linkshrink not working” again and THEN refresh the paste link site and click the link it works… don’t ask me why
and I’m really not trolling here…
simple question: is it worth waiting for Kurama subs?
I just decided I might watch Naruto and Naruto Shippuden and am currently downloading everything.
So I just want an honest opinion if it’s worth waiting for them or just go with Horriblesubs.
thanks in advance
Why 389 and 390 are the same I thought the 390 is “Madara Uchiha Rise”
please fix episode 389…same episode as 390 -_-
Why some eps in 1-91 is in acb file ? how to change it?
Rename file extension from acb to mkv
where can i download 720p resolution for episodes 1 to 85?
When Naruto Shippuuden started, it was still in the 480p era. During Episode 40-50(maybe), They shifted to 1280×720 (HD) Widescreen. And around Episode 120-125, they shifted to 1920×1080 (FHD) Widescreen.
So episodes of 1-40 in 720p does not even exist, and maybe they didn’t have HD for 50-80.
Can’t wait for Episodes!!!!
password for 251-300 rar unlocked??
Episode 383 of HS link is corrupted and it says that the link might steal personnal information from my computer?
Kurama sub is really late, aren’t they? But I am still patiently waiting.
can u check episode 336 ? i cant download but the fail is available
episode 251 is asking for password…. any idea??
mt0.org always error wtf.
Which Episode? I’m giving for 381
please upload episode 381
i thought this week’s eps 381 not 380, coz i already had 380
ep 378 link not working
nvm its working nw.
its kinda annoying the kuruma subs arnt hardsubbed like taka’s once was
376 links are not coming
377 too …. no links available
its available. i already downloaded it.
Good, waiting for 377, double today, Great
i nearly completed my naruto shippuden episodes but i still dont have a 720p resolution for naruto shippuden episode 1 to 87. can you make a 720p resolution for those episodes?
the episodes were only made in 720p from after episode 54, so you cant get from 1-54 in 720p but animechiby or animekens will have from 55-87 in 720p for sure
fix 375 ..
Naruto Shippuuden 375 torrent was not created by HorribleSubs but was created and seeded by kamifari
hs release by NS 375 in 480p…wait to update
Great resource!.. Thanks in advance!.. Started filling in my collection!..
(HD) 720p links for Naruto Shippuuden Episode 254, 275, 276 are actually 480p (SD)
Please reupload the correct resolution as this creates a inconsistence.
Thanks for fixing it.
You should have notified me though,
ii want the sub file
i can’t extract it .!
The Original version wasn’t soft right ?
try the 720p ver.
Hello! It seem link for episode 373 seem to be wrong .
Thank you for your hard work.
for 720p
The rar’s are locked
Episodes 251-300
Please share password.
Thanks in advance
They’re also corrupt!
Taka or HorribleSubs ? Which is the best?
Links for 372 720ps are broken ! please fix them.
Where is 720p of the latest episode?
Asking myself the same question …
cant download 301-350 as can’t open solidfiles in india…….plz upload im mediafire or provide torrent link plz…..
Dude, just use Opera with turbo enabled.
thanx mate…..this tip works for me….thanx again
Link for Kurama Ep 365 is wrong! plz fix it
please kindly fix episode 285v2
it’s not working thanks
wanying pd banyak mau nya
jadi weh……
kurama fansub awesome.hope u guys catch up the horrible subs.
Please fix the links for episode 362 kurama 720p. Both links redirected to arpeggio. Thanks
how do you open this files from mediafire…
i started downloading from episode 1 and all i downloaded was an .acb file (e.g. NS.003.SD.DB.ACB.IM) or (NS.003.SD.DB.ACB.IM.acb) like that, how can u open this files .. plz can someone help me…
rename it, to .mkv
ohh thank you very much, i thought its .rar so i was confused… really appreciated it ty
Plz reupload ep 365. Thanx
please try again
it gets redirected to this link http://af.bl.ee/my-girlfriend-s-back-i1233328/
It worked after couple of retries. Thanks
Please reupload episode 279. The links with fire.animechiby.com are not working anymore.
Plz reupload ep 236 and 238. Links are not working. Thanks
Thanks a lot.
Thanks admin, so far links are all good
Thank you very much
replace adf.ly links
Ummm… guys ? Where is the HD version of Episode 368 ??
the link for 368 version 720p isn’t completed. Please fix it?
I waited for an hour and still no response…animekens here I come.
Cant download 368
try again.
Episode 368 ad.fly locked
adfly links are not opening since yesterday,i have done the process in how to download link
Episode 368 adf link won’t open.
hey i can’t download other file your http://fire.animechiby.com/ not working anymore fix that…!
episode ?
i download 251 to 280 and the link with the http://fire.animechiby.com/ is “254,258,275,276” and i don’t know the other with http://fire.animechiby.com/ please check the ep. with http://fire.animechiby.com/ thanks
254,258,275,276 reuploaded
what programme should i use to open these files ?
can you guys replace the ADf.ly thing cause i really want to download all episodes cause i want to make amv…:(
What is password?? Please anyone can tell me.
Thank you!
Admin, can you please fix ep 353-354, 355, 356, 357, 358 (Kurama Sub). Linkbucks cannot be load.Thanks.
umm, excuse me, but can u pls fix the link for episode 359, 360, 361, 362, 364.. or just replace it to adf.ly. because sh.st is blocking it.
I can’t open episode 366.. Linkbucks is blocking it..
kurama fansub awesome.it replace to taka fansub.horrible fansub trans and picture quality is so dull and bad.
Episode 365 please cek the adfly
I can’t opened it …
guys i cant download those chapters hosted on sh.st it will open FLV website and download some software , what should i do????? a little help here?
same problem with me…….yes plz provide mediafire links
Please pick up Kurama fansub to replace Taka. I’ll never watch HS their translation is sh*t.
Can you give me the password rar !!!!Please…
So, Kurama Or Hatsuyuki?
LOL stop asking. the thing about this ACB dudes is,
hold on..were you trying to be funny? LOL a very poor way to be one.
so ?
ep 236 & 238 links broken
taka stopped and start with new fansub kurma
check here
can you mini encode hatsuyuki for replace taka which stop subbing forever..?
sorry, we can’t access episode 365, being routed to two different websites, one is FLV which downloads a program and another site which downloads “my girlfriend is back movie…confused though why it’s doing that and when you click on back, it will say bad request….help please.. thanks
use google chrome..works fine with me
it seems im having a problem with Sh.st im redirected to some FLV downloading site any thoughts on how to fix this?
Episode 365 ??
Now that Taka sub is gone, and now I want to download the HS sub from episode 353 to continue. But I can’t even get the download link because all previous links that use shr77.com are not usable anymore.
Please fix this. Thank you.
Thank you very much
please fix episode 364 links. both of the links are not opening.
please try again
Now opening. thanks
such a shame taka subs had to stop, i suppose it was gonna happen since its been months since its last release, gotta move to horriblesubs then
please fix episode 364 links. both of the links are not opening.
Taka subs already dead. so stick with HS or Hatsuyuki?
or Kurama subs?
rumors (or probably true) say that its the same staff (since opening is the same as taka releases)
but still, decision is up to you guys ^_^. whatever you decide, well, keep up the good work :D. its better than nothing actually lol.
ep 361 and ep 362 link are dead
cpv error!!
yeah it still has an error till now >.<
Eps 337 & 339 are down please fix them
episode 364 is not opening. please fix it.
admin,please fix episode that started with cpv link…
The linkbucks link of the latest ep is not working.. even tried with tor browser..
Will there be 480p 088-250?
I am sorry to say this, but Taka sub is already more than 10 episodes late. Will you please consider switching to Hatsuyuki sub instead? I have seen their Fairy Tail release and their sub is very good, so I think their Naruto Shippuden release will have a similar quality as well.
File doesn’t exist starting ep301? why??
Why episode 364 didnt come?
363 episode 720p link is redirecting to 362 episode plz fix it
use the 480p ones they take you to 363 links of 720 too
please fix this
cant download, is there something wrong with shr77.com??
http://shr77.com is down or what? cant load in…
Can you please upload 150-250(exluding fillers) in 480p please?You have the best anime download site
Can you please upload 342 HD
why 361 become metal panic???????
I mean 361 .
Episode 371 links are not correct ! please fix it.
ep 361 goes to mega downalod of FullMetPanic 09 Dangerous Safe House [480].mkv
Where’s 361?
is ep 361 gonna be uploaded anytime?
next week
taka 339 dead
Taka 351,352 released!
Horrible Subs Ep. 342 480p error, re-upload, please….
ep 360 error..
please help..
Taka 351 released!
can u upload the raw Openings and Endings
Keep u’r good work up
Thanx quality is better…Can u increase size upto 115 to 125 mb for
each Episodes. for same setting…thanx if consider this suggest for
naruto shippuden taka ..These anime
have best fansub is TaKA also Best to rewatch again..So I get best
quality in 120 mb MiniHD 720p anime .Do not change audio
setting..change video setting to obtain 120mb size Episodes
Don’t listen to him cause HorribleSubs are the best .. I don’t like soft sub … and the size and picture quality is ok … please use 10bit encoading
Is Taka sub still in progress? It’s been a long time since their last release (eps 350).
This news confirmed that they haven’t dropped the show:
episode 357- firedrive link == “This file is private and only viewable by the owner.””
pending ANd renewal side for episode 251 – 300 why is luke that???can you fix it ??thank you for yor attention
PLease fix 354 it goes on the episode 355
Arsandy named the lnk acb wrongly but the files inside are 354. Please read the filename before downloading to be safe
episode 355 looping address on shr7 site….please fix it
TAKA 348…
i have problem downloading NS 301 to 306. please upload on mediafire, mega or solidfile. thank you.
are episodes 301 – 351 gonna be added to mediafire just like the others after they are all taka subbed??
plz upload 345-350 taka
olz upload ep 345-350 taka.
350!! Finally, Thanks guys
Your Encoding Quality is Awesome Bro.Why don’t u upload in torrent like (Kickass,thepiratebay,…etc).It helps to popular the site name so you get more downloaders here.I Just tell my suggestion dont mistaken it.
Like Horriblesubs
please reupload 720p TAKA eps.336 and 337
and 339 TAKA too
the links for episode 339’s 720p HS sub are one piece episode 624. if you dont mind please fix
im sorry but i dont see that its fixed…?
oups please try again
did i do something wrong?
i’m sure it’s been fixed
try reload this post first
i tried to reload when i replied, but it seems that its working now. thank you so much for the trouble ;u;
when naruto shippuden 348 720p???
Patch for NS 114 139 142 148 159 162 is not working any ideas why ??
Here’s a screenshot
why both links are 480p
Naruto 348 both links are 480p please fix it
PLEASE 345-347 TAKA….
not released yet http://www.takafansubs.com/
link fox ns 339 not found, please fix it
like of NS 346 isnt right, plz fix it
what seems to be the problem?
it was link for Mikakunin de Shinkoukei Episode 03
admin 346 and 347 is Released Today ..So plz upload Episode 347…
HS still haven’t released ep 347
“Phr0stY” did it. So you can easily find it on Nyaa.
So HS is now “Phr0stY”?
please re-upload naruto (not shippudden) episode 33,38,40,42,44,46,49,51,58,64,66,67,68,73,78,79,82,84,88,90,92,99,107-114,125, ’cause they’re dead links.
i thought 346 and 347 release at the same day??? i heard it was a double release
something wrong in 346,
all links are only 480p
totally wrong file even for 720p embedupload
thank you admin..
please 344 & 345 taka….
boss tolong upload taka version 343,344 & 345…
NS 339 not found there is one piece 634
plz upload episode 343.344.345 taka fansub
Mod, please reupload or fix the links for episode 339 720p Taka. I already try whether from embedupload or mirrorcreator and same problem : the link is not found. Thank’s a lot
Could you please upload episode 86-87 in TAKA Fansubs?
Any plan on doing this series?
Saikin, Imouto no Yousu ga Chotto Okashiinda ga
nani??doushite?? anyway thank you.
please i want 343 & 344 taka
please re-upload naruto (not shippudden) episode 33,38,40,42,44,46,49,51,58,64,66,67,68,73,78,79,82,84,88,90,92,99,107-114,125, ’cause they’re dead links.
ep 339 taka still not found
n ep 339 HS wrong link? because when i open the link what i found is one piece ep 624.
where is 344?
339, 340 not found
THE .rar episodes won’t open with ”acb” please upload mkv files..
rename acb to mkv
NS 339 links not found
can you upload To Love Ru Season 1 720p 100mb
Ep 339 links not found. Please fix it if possible
boss nak 343 & 344 taka…..
339 and 337 links not found
Terima kasih animechiby
I can not pass the “adf.acb.im/Jm” does not open complete. Help Please.
@arsandy:disqus Now I am getting a message “Page is blocked on directive of telecommunication/govt”. Now I need serious help.
same here.. cannot access the link…
The embedupload 720p link for the 340th ep leads to mirrorcreator
check it up guys !
Finally an episode worth watching
adf.acb.im links are not working for me
It is showing that i have this trouble becoz of adblock plus and slow internet connection. I donot have adblock and i have internet connection speed 2mbps. can anyone guide me plz?
change http to https
I try that and its notworking either
thanks for the episodes.
The intro is kinda invalid now..

Please put Naruto Shippuden Episode 338 please..
waht function patch pleasee tell me
you dont need patch for current links
“adf.acb.im” Links not working plz use adfly like always
thankyou for all the episodes
337 is release
I think the Patch doesn’t work for MAC users? Because it seems like all the files are in .exe format or something like that.
+I tried to download NS Episode 236, and when I skipped the adfly it redirected to a link which is fire . animechiby . com but my browser couldn’t open the web, most likely couldn’t connect to the server. Please help. Thank you.
336 links don’t work . .. plz
Hello Arsandy-san.
I’m amazed by your works. The quality of episode 335 [720p] is awesome for 67 Mb!
Thanks for ur encodes. ^ ^
thank u for upload..
thank you,..
where is NS 335..?
where is the Episode 327 ???
Please check again
ya I found it ^_^ but what is 327-328 ?? Awesome Encode BTW (y)
two episodes were aired in that week, so you get 327 & 328 in just one file.
cant download episod 236 taka..
cant get past any linkbucks for ep 334.
seems its ok now
Where’s episode 335?
Terima kasih animechibi
hmm..admin, pernah baca pasal projek majalah anime otaku di kickstarter tak? nampak menarik..ade sesiape disini yg jd backers tak?
What are the patches for?
when Taka release some sub that had error , they release a patch for it after that , that fix the error
i can’t open all spoilers with firefox or opera!!!!
problem solved after I leave a comment ….
terima kasih
Catchable fatal error: Object of class stdClass could not be converted to string in /home/bcvc/httpdocs/fly/index.php on line 185
can you fix this? thanks
May I ask why the size of eps 333 480p is only 44MB? Kind of too small to me, is it because the lower quality? Thank you.
small file size, still in good quality
please update taka…
Please re encode episode 331 without hard subbed watermark
thank you very much
I can’t seems to get thelink for ep 312 by horriblesubs.can reupload the links?
thx ^_^.btw if it is ok with you, can you reecode the horriblesub ver for previous ep as well? not something important actually.jz that I prefer their sub compare to taka. but like I said, its up to you.
pls upload NS 329
where is taka episode 086-087??
please upload it
i don’t think taka have 086-087. if you its link, please let me know.
Having some trouble with the adf.ly page does not open. even tried v2.adf.ly still not working.
in episode 327 there is AHSH which is this fansub
there are links for epsiode 327 in place of 328 in embed upload only in mirror creator
please fix
480p EU 238= 480p EU 237
fixed thanks
nice site! would like to request to fix some links tho. like ep 309. i dunno if there’s a limit in DLing but it redirects to cc.cc and cant DL some vids.
been a fan of ur awsome work animechiby.. !
cheers from the philippines! \m/
i cannot download from cc.cc
link for taka 309 redirect me to cc.cc website…i don really sure is it broken link or im missing the steps..
thanks…30/08/2013 complete download for taka release
Please fix this i am getting this error ( We are sorry!
This site closed ) when ever i click on the links
Can you please consider doing 054-084 (720p) from [somuchmore]
Here’s the links http://bakabt.me/164565-naruto-shippuuden-season-03-720p-somuchmore.html
and http://bakabt.me/164515-naruto-shippuuden-season-04-720p-somuchmore.html
Thanks in advance
Thanks for the info :2thumbup
Thanks for the fast release of HS and thanks for Taka’s too
episode 301 going on are removed or deleted, pls reupload the horriblesubs 301-321 thanks.
Thnkx for Episode
where links ep-321 720p
still no ep 231?
next week
ok^^ tnx alot
please fix episode 275 link, I go error message, thanks
HorribleSubs or Taka ? 480p or 720p ?
I prefer taka, 720p
fixed, please try again.
hi there, kindly upload ep317-318 from taka version. tq
taka 319 pweazzzee?
episode 317 links r not working, please fix it.
all links are working fine, please try again.
can you upload Episode 088 – 250 TAKA 480p?
and Naruto 2002, fansub: AnimeONE (or the other best fansub)
the adf.ly links for episode 317 has been blocked
blocked by who ?
looks like adf.ly has been blocked in India. used the old version of adf.ly i.e http://v1.adf.ly . Problem solved
It is not working with v1.adf.ly also ,just redirects to adf.ly and it is blocked !
Try using https://adf.ly instead of http://adf.ly
what is mean “v0 unofficial HorribleSubs Styled”
not officially from HorribleSubs
I mux raw video with edited subtitle (re-timed + HorribleSubs re-styled)