It’s nice to see an old PSP game i used to play got an Anime release ….
Thanks for encoding this ! ( eventhough I’m about a month late from the 1st Episode)
Extra isn’t as popular as the main series. They’ll animate Fate/Hollow Ataraxia and Tsukihime remake long before they even this of doing Extra spin offs.
B-but I love Nero more than Arturia…
Joking aside I think you’re right. The VNs are far more popular than the spinoff games anyway
Hmm yes I’m waiting for Tsukihime or maybe Mahoutsukai no Yoru, as for F/HA not really interested
episode 4 above all link except usernl is dead . i cant download from tht site .
Episode 11 – 13 has been added
maybe you guys can use other fansubs please?
No more updates after 7?
wasn’t dis 10 ep .. ?
It’s nice to see an old PSP game i used to play got an Anime release ….
Thanks for encoding this ! ( eventhough I’m about a month late from the 1st Episode)
this anime is quite confusing
it is if you never play the game before
Thnx a lot
I was hoping for this to be encoded by acb and it really happened
Thank you so much
Hope they animate ccc and extella too
Extra isn’t as popular as the main series. They’ll animate Fate/Hollow Ataraxia and Tsukihime remake long before they even this of doing Extra spin offs.
B-but I love Nero more than Arturia…
Joking aside I think you’re right. The VNs are far more popular than the spinoff games anyway
Hmm yes I’m waiting for Tsukihime or maybe Mahoutsukai no Yoru, as for F/HA not really interested
w0w new episode . .but why 3?
thank you bro
Thank you very much for uploading this
I cant DL this show cuz the file its to big 400mb+
in the nyaa ste 400mb+