Fumetsu no Anata e | 不滅のあなたへ | Blu-ray
Fumetsu no Anata e
20 Episodes | Blu-ray
An omnipotent narrator casts an orb of light to the Earth, watching as this entity copies the shape of a rock and then, many years later, mimics the moss on a rock. When a wolf dies beside the moss, it evolves, taking on the creature’s shape and gaining movement for the first time. As the wolf, the orb observes the dead wolf’s owner, a young man who lives alone on a frozen tundra, and accompanies him on his journey to reunite with the rest of his townspeople, who crossed the icy wasteland years before in search of a more bountiful country.
Adventure, Drama, Fantasy,
Psychological, Supernatural
Brain’s Base,
NHK Enterprises
here we go boisss, embrace the sadness
Okay so I read the manga way before it was announced as an anime but stopped because updates were too inconsistent. The last part I remember is that the protagonist got clapped by a monster considered to be a natural enemy and turned into a rock. Is that covered in the anime?