Ghost in the Shell | 攻殻機動隊 | Blu-ray

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Download Ghost in the Shell | 攻殻機動隊 | Blu-ray

28 Responses to “Ghost in the Shell | 攻殻機動隊 | Blu-ray

  • links are dead

  • part 3 of Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence is dead, kindly check and fix plzzz….btw I want to say that Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence and Ghost in the Shell is interchanged, by this view, what I said could also mean that part 3 of Ghost in the Shell is dead…just pointing this out to avoid confusion….thank you!!!

  • If possible, please re-upload the part 3 of “Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence” or just put the whole movie in one big file. Thank you.

  • what version is the “Ghost In The Shell”? 2.0 or original?

  • Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence part 3 Download links are broken… Please fix…

  • The links for the original Ghost in the Shell are actually for movie 2, Innocence. Please fix that.

  • Most of links are dead, please re-upload!!!

  • links for Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence part 3 does not exist, both solidfiles n tusfiles

  • i downloaded ghost in the shell movie 1 via solidfiles, after i open the video, the content of video is ghost in the shell movie 2 innocence. Can you please fix it? Where is the correct link for ghost in the shell movie 1? Thank you, Sir.

  • Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence Part 3 is missing.. pls fix sir.

  • Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence Part 3 of Innocence directs to google. Can you fix it? Thankyou

  • after long time searchin the 1995v 720p, i think it not just dream, if you can please fix the part3 link. May be it is late but i want to say Thanks a Lot So Much i can find a lots rare-anime [anime that hard to find] with mini size in here, even this old great anime

  • I can’t open part 3 of Innocence too..

  • Part 3 of Innocence directs to google. And I think the first movie and Innocence got swapped. Please fix

  • part 3 gits2 innocence is direct to google
    please fix it

  • uh.. am i the only one who cannot dload part 3 of the innocence?

  • The files for “Ghost in the Shell” and “Ghost in the Shell: Innocence” are swapped.

  • @Bakaiser Any idea if any other subs planning on subbing this movie?

  • can you upload the movie 2.0 and 2.Innocence please
    thank you

  • Hey anyone knows the proper sequence on watching ghost in the shell series..?

    • Three diferent timelines/alternate universes:

      1: Original: 1st: Ghost in the Shell (1995 movie); 2nd: Ghost in the Shell Innocence,

      2: Stand Alone Complex: 1st; Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex (2 seasons of 26 episodes each); 2nd; Ghost in the Shell; S.A.C Solid State Society (movie)

      3: Arise: 1st: Arise (I suggest Arise Alternative Architecture, since the last two episodes are content not present in the 4 OVA); 2nd; The New Ghost in the Shell movie.

      Choose any timeline you feel like. S.A.C. is the best for me.

      Have fun.

  • finally :), Thanks a lot

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