Hakuouki | The Complete Series | Blu-ray

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Download Hakuouki | The Complete Series | Blu-ray

20 Responses to “Hakuouki | The Complete Series | Blu-ray

  • Links dead please fix! PLEASE

  • Reimei-roku episodes are in Hekketsu-roku and Hekketsu-roku episodes are in Reimei-roku…

  • Reimei-roku episodes are titled Hakuouki_HR_00_Pro_ACB while Hekketsu-roku episodes are titled Hakuouki_RR_01_Pro_ACB is it just a name mistake or is it actually swapped? In wikipedia it lists Hekketsu-roku as an anime with 10 episode plus a special. Can you please double-check it?

  • Hi. Long time no comment…. Please re up:

    Hakuouki Shinsengumi Kitan: ep 5, ssl

    Hakuouki Reimei-roku: ep 9, 10, 11, 12


  • Please re-upload Hakuouki Shinsengumi Kitan Episodes 5,6,8,12. Thanks.

  • Hakuouki Reimei-roku : ep9,10,11,12

    Hakuouki Shinsengumi Kitan : ep5,12,special,ssl

    Hakuouki Sekka-roku : ep6

    link already dead… re-up plsss… (TnT)

  • shinsengumi kitan episode 5 and 12 redirects to google.. pls fix.. also other season got those problems… thanks…

  • hello… i think shinsengumi kitan then hekketsu roku then reimei roku was the proper order of this series.. base from their air date…..

    • Yes. Reimei-roku is a prequel but it’s third in the series; it should be watched thus.

      To reiterate:
      1. Hakuōki Shinsengumi Kitan (S1)
      2. Hakuōki Hekketsuroku (S2)
      3. Hakuōki Sekkaroku (OVA)
      4. Hakuōki Reimeiroku (S3)
      5. Hakuōki Dai-isshō Kyoto Ranbu (Film)
      6. Hakuōki Dai-nishō Shikon Sōkyū (Film)
      7. Hakuōki Otogisōshi (New Story, Upcoming)

      Thank you for these, Bakaiser!

  • Hakuouki Reimei-roku ep 8 to 12 redirect to google

  • Hello! Can you pls help me with the season sequence/order of this anime? which one is the first season? Thanks

  • Where the season 1 actually? I’m bit confusing ~~

  • Hakuouki Reimei-roku is in english dub, without japanese audio. Is it possible to have one with japanese audio like the rest of the series. Thank you

  • is this one good? I’m in mood for period drama lately but not used to shoujo.

    • its definitely not shoujo.. perhaps this is what youre looking for

  • yes! thank you! 😀

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