Hayate no Gotoku! | The Complete Series | Blu-ray
NOTE : You are watching a show that uses Ordered Chapters with Segment Linking, make sure to download the OP/ED files as well and that you place them in the same folder as the episodes.
Rename .acb extension to .mkv, tutorial = here
03-15-20 – S2 OP & ED is fine but the whole episode doesn’t have any audio and subs are… https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2f53956c3d8078ce6d10a770714421777138901376e20cc988a7c36b65b0f054.png
Is this every episode? please check so I can do some patch. Thanks!
S2 Subtitle works fine for me.
The only subtitle issue I have is all S1 title scenes does not have subtitle.
And as I mentioned above, where can I download S2 OP & ED?
Thank you for S2 OP & ED.
Can you also upload this https://myanimelist.net/anime/23153/Hayate_no_Gotoku_OVA?
What do you mean by OP & ED? All S2 episodes doesn’t have OP & ED, they are all only 21 minutes long. Yes I read “make sure to download the OP/ED files as well and that you place them in the same folder as the episodes” text above, but I can’t find them anywhere.
pleaase FIX IT
All links are broken
Please repair All links
Plleeeaaassseeee FIX IT….I NEED IT
All seasons are broken…
no no no each episode have diffrent opening dialouge make it segment base is the same as deleting the scene if only i had my old hard drive back on ill give it that episode back to you
all seasons are broken except cant take my eyes off you, please re upload them
Season 1 link is broken please fix it :3
season 1 habs broken links
The second season is broken link
I want the censored ones for season 1 *^*
Please update season 1
You need to edit the chapter all 25 episode in season 2 with the newest ID op and ep
there is no op and ed for 2nd season eventhough i put both op and ed in the same folder with the episodes
hallo admin-san, what codec did you use and what setting?, I am not complaining but just give you an information, but the video is little bit lagging when I played it with my ancient laptop of core2duo with 2gb ram, and I have to recode it again with less bitrate from the file, my setting is mkv-h264-2passAverage-500kbps-audioCopied-bicubic anything else is default, and just telling you recode’s process is consume time (definitely you already know it)
so this is it, I appreciate for your hard work and for everything, khansa arigatou gozaimasu
Hayate no Gotoku! Cuties have missing links fix plz.
Thanks for your encodes
Thanks, i have waited for this
Dear ACB,
I have been downloading anime from your website for about 4 years now. I’ve found your site to be the best website to download anime. I have a request for you all. Please upload the files in 1080p if possible(otherwise 720p is just fine) in 10bit colour and 5.1CH or 7.1CH surround sound. Now that the new HEVC/x265 compression codec has been released, file size should not be problem. If possible, do think about it.
the 1st and 2nd season has a problem with copyright.
could you please reupload, Bakaiser-san?
Fixed. Please check.
Thanks. you’re the best, Admin XD
…And for some reason now even the whole hayate’s page couldn’t be found
It will be posted tomorrow
Oh, ok.
Sorry for asking much, But Thank you, Hazmadai-san
Please update season 1
Please Fix season 1 and season 2 link please copyright pleaseee pleaseee pleaseee
Season 1 and 2 have all of their links broken, I hope it’ll be fixed soon plzzzzz
Hi! Season 1 and 2 have all of their links broken, I hope it’ll be fixed soon
sry season 1 and 2 have problem plz fix linke
Season 1 -DVD
Season 2 – BD
Season 3 – BD
Season 4 – BD
Thank you Bakaiser-san!
can u please give me the season 1 subs please ????
waitting for the cuties
Where’s the OVA?
wait for hayate cuties,,,
i’m unable to play Can’t take my eyes of you eps 9. i’ve download it twice but still same.
blanc is right, season 1 and 2 is not BD, but i think the 3rd one is BD. and the 9th ep of 3rd season is corrupted, pls fix it, thanks
The take my eyes off you eps 9 cannot be read. Please fix the file….
not sure about this but, i compared the old season 3 with the new one i think they re-encoded it using constant quality cause the quality was better and the size differs from the old ones some are higher some are lower as to whether or not it is bluray im not sure, the old version didn’t have any tv or channel logo either
oh yeah i checked some of season 1 and season 2 episode file size they were pretty much the same as the old ones so there was probably no changes there except for the name of the file
so you should avoid replacing season 1 and season 2 if you still have them
like mister Reza Raka said the first season was probably the tv series
what do you mean then? the post is not BD?
the first season is TV series not blu-ray… i haven’t check the rest though
Thanks m8
there’s Bluray for Hayate no Gotoku! Cuties from BakaBT by Tamashii.
Bakaiser is still on leave. please wait for him.
The Link already Trolll hehe hahaha
Admin Please Fix It Now!!!!
Please wait. im fixing it.
Ganbatte Admin!!!!!
so the BD is on 3rd Seasons right?
is it just me? or Every Link just Redirects me back at Google?
what episode??? for ex???
Oh No Tsun Tsun Again <3