Heavy Object | ヘヴィーオブジェクト | Blu-ray
Heavy Object
24 Episodes | Blu-ray
In the world of Heavy Object, the United Nations has collapsed, leaving the world divided between four powers – the Legitimacy Kingdom, the Information Alliance, the Capitalist Corporations and the Faith Organization. Following the development of Objects, armored fighting machines possessing vastly superior capabilities to conventional units and weapons, war has developed into a bloodless game determined by battles between Objects.
Action, Comedy,
Mecha, Sci-Fi
J.C. Staff,
Magic Capsule
hello Bakaiser-sama,
do you have alternate link of lnk.acb of this anime?
a changelog would be nice
can u guys fixed the links ?
Links dead
Links are still dead
wew, still not fixed..
Please reupload.
links are dead
please fix it, link not found for eps 14 and 16
Please fix link episode 14
Link not found
Episodes 16 and 18 are down (links not found), please reupload.
THANK u SO mUCh for the uploads……….Maam/SIR ur so awesome… ^_^
pls…. reupload >< all links are dead…
Link is gone/dead
Linkshrink is broken
link expired…
thanks….been waiting long for this
The object is so heavy~
Thanks for the uploads!