Patiently waiting for it to be fixed… only that episode is missing for my downloads folder lol. I’ll be really happy to have this complete anime fully working in my downloads folder! 172 Anime and still going strong! This one damn episode will take me to 173
I put up requests but I don’t know if they notice it or delete it… This (1 episode I need) and Heavy Object (2 episodes I need) to have the complete anime :'(
oh no… link broken
Episode 22 has been fixed, please download from Solidfiles.
Mega’s one is not fixed
Ep22 still hav a same prob and not been fixed yet…
Fixed. It turns out that its a source problem on both HD and FHD.
Thank you Bro!!!
Thx for ur quick response and ur hardwork Bakaiser-san^^
linkshrink can’t be accessed.
It’s says, link does not exist.
7,8,9,11,15,16,18,19,20,21,22,23,24 ep link is dieded..tq
dieded @_@? lol
I know some people already posted it, but I’ll post it again anyway.
Please fix the links for Episodes 21 to 26 for Solidfiles. Thank you.
plz fix all d links from ep-21 to 26
Can you fix episode 21 – 26 please…
Link dead.
And still episode 22 has not been fixed…
…and also link that i already mentioned below~…ep22 links good but video n audio out of sync…
Patiently waiting for it to be fixed… only that episode is missing for my downloads folder lol. I’ll be really happy to have this complete anime fully working in my downloads folder! 172 Anime and still going strong! This one damn episode will take me to 173
try to request it in request section tab
I put up requests but I don’t know if they notice it or delete it… This (1 episode I need) and Heavy Object (2 episodes I need) to have the complete anime :'(
Ep 21,22,23,24 link broken…pls help fix it…thx in advanced ^^
Has episode 22 been fixed yet?
thank you ^_^
dat cover thou
issues with Ep 22. video frame stuck from around 06:15 until 07:20. audio continue to play during that. causing audio is out of sync too. thank you.
Do you by chance know if episode 22 has been fixed yet?
Legendary Stan Lee is in this. lmao
Thanks a lot Bakaiser
thank u so much……