High Score Girl | ハイスコアガール | Blu-ray

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Download High Score Girl | ハイスコアガール | Blu-ray

15 Responses to “High Score Girl | ハイスコアガール | Blu-ray

  • Hi Bakaiser
    Can you re-upload season 1 and Extra stage as well?

  • sorry but,is it just me or i,this bd version didnt have any sub on it?please reply

  • All of them no Subs. I download the International Game Title. extract and then make the name identical. still no subs. Help T T

    • Open the first ep. and then drag on the corresponding *ass subs into the player, if you have vlc or mpv it should detect it automatically if they have the same name.

      • I use Media Player Classic. Usually when it has a same name then the subtitle will show. But for now it did not show. And the subtitle option all grey. Cannot chose load subtitle. When i drag the corresponding ass subs into the player nothing happened. My version of MPC is T T. Or should i change player?

        • I would recommend going to mpv.io
          It’s UI is almost non-existent but it’s so much more lightweight and powerful than VLC.
          If you’re on Windows, I would recommend shinchiro’s build. There’s also some script to pause when minimize or create playlists.

          • Okay, gonna try it later. Thanks for the recommendation 🙂

    • do you have the link for the subtitle? please help…

  • OVA 1-3 has no subs please fix

    • Download either of the game title subs and drag the corresponding subs

      ova 1 –> ep 13
      ova 2 –> ep 14
      ova 3 –> ep 15

  • Do I need to download internation or Japanese game titles for the substitles to appear ? cause there seem to be no subtitles in the anime

  • Hey Bakaiser, what’s the difference between the ‘Intl. Game Title’ and ‘Jap. Game Title’? At first glance I don’t see any difference in the substitles.

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