Hoshin Engi | 仙界伝 封神演義 | 480p


Thousands of years ago, it was a time of witchcraft and dark magic. An evil sorceress has bewitched the emperor of the mighty dynasty and he has become a mindless puppet. The country is in shambles and evil spirits lurk everywhere. The human world is on the verge of utter destruction. A bold mission is planned by the Confederation of the Immortal Masters. They send a young master wizard to hung down the villains and evil warlocks in the devastated lands.


Episode : 26
Aired : Jul 3, 1999
Fansub : a4e
Genres : Adventure, Fantasy, Historical, Magic, Shounen, Supernatural
MyAnimeList : here


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Download Hoshin Engi | 仙界伝 封神演義 | 480p