follow these steps to create a little program that it will change any number of files from .acb to .mkv automatically.
step 1: open notepad.
step 2: write the next lines.
@echo off
ren *.acb *.mkv
step 3: save in the folder where you have your acb files with any name you want, adding “.bat” at the end of the name without quotes and changing “Save as type” from “Text Documents (.txt)” to “All Files”
File Name: AnyName.bat
Save As Type: All Files
-rigt-click (or two finger tap on trackpad) at the selected file
-get info
-change .acb to .mkv at name & extension
Please update this page!
For windows an lazy users only (like me jeje)
follow these steps to create a little program that it will change any number of files from .acb to .mkv automatically.
step 1: open notepad.
step 2: write the next lines.
@echo off
ren *.acb *.mkv
step 3: save in the folder where you have your acb files with any name you want, adding “.bat” at the end of the name without quotes and changing “Save as type” from “Text Documents (.txt)” to “All Files”
File Name: AnyName.bat
Save As Type: All Files
step 4: execute your AnyName.bat program.
step 5: ???
step 6: Profit?
Hey man, useful thing, i did not that thing til now, great, i could change extension perfectly.
what is this,how??i want to dwnld ano hana.could somebody explian this to me?
there is nothing in here -_-
link fixed
why cant i see the picture
How about for Mac?
-rigt-click (or two finger tap on trackpad) at the selected file
-get info
-change .acb to .mkv at name & extension
For Windows 8:
how about Windows 8? > <