Please fix the episode 10 solidfiles , i can’t download , the link has no problem , but i think the file has corrupted , its .htm format instead mkv … I tried with different browser and login and non login , open new tab , copy link location all not working..
Episodes 3-13 links are dead. Can these be re-uploaded please?
Error message: File has expired and does not exist anymore on this server
Real BD please and not 720p
what fansub is it?
solidfile eps 1 only 60mb, is it really bluray?
thanks for this great thread!!
Please fix the episode 10 solidfiles , i can’t download , the link has no problem , but i think the file has corrupted , its .htm format instead mkv … I tried with different browser and login and non login , open new tab , copy link location all not working..
paid of my long wait for this xD
Even though it’s BD. Episode 11 is still the same as TV version.
thank you thank you thank you thank you!!!!
Thanks for encoding this..
from: FreshBeef21 together with Lim85
Finally BD is here…
domo arigatou