Nonsense? whut?? the show tackles religion, politics, bullying, fujoshi/otaku culture, and many more, albeit it is shown as light hearted as possible this show has a lot of morals than your standard anime.
One of my favourite anime ever.
Under the hood of comedy there’s a lot to this series – It’ll make you think about what is culture.
It seems episodic, but it has a (backwards – won’t say anything more) direction.
Also one of the best music in recent anime – including the op and ed. Particularly the ed.
Worth your time. Definitely.
can i ask for reupload this series??
Link for sp 5 and 6 are both dead. Reupload please. Both tusfile and solidfile link are dead.
the link for part 5 specials redirects to
does it happen to me only?
Idk this is good or not. Let’s dl it first.
It is very nonsense, I remember watching this back then, had good laughs
Nonsense? whut?? the show tackles religion, politics, bullying, fujoshi/otaku culture, and many more, albeit it is shown as light hearted as possible this show has a lot of morals than your standard anime.
For me it was nonsense.
Deal with it.
Having Love Juice as waifu is nonsense.
I Love Juice

One of my favourite anime ever.
Under the hood of comedy there’s a lot to this series – It’ll make you think about what is culture.
It seems episodic, but it has a (backwards – won’t say anything more) direction.
Also one of the best music in recent anime – including the op and ed. Particularly the ed.
Worth your time. Definitely.