ouch dead ep 3.. maybe more..
episode 3 and 6 links are dead on solidfiles
Please reupload. Links are dead. Thank you.
no sub on the previews of Episode 10 and onwards…
New Links Added!
“An anime that doesn’t focus on frustrating topics or similar things.” I think this is will be good anime, arigatou ghozaimasu
Links Updated! Cheers
thank you.
episodes 7-10 direct to google
yup, that’s true.
Links to episodes 7, 8, 9, and 10 don’t work ;(
thank you
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ouch dead ep 3.. maybe more..
episode 3 and 6 links are dead on solidfiles
Please reupload. Links are dead. Thank you.
no sub on the previews of Episode 10 and onwards…
New Links Added!
“An anime that doesn’t focus on frustrating topics or similar things.”
I think this is will be good anime, arigatou ghozaimasu
Links Updated! Cheers
thank you.
episodes 7-10 direct to google
yup, that’s true.
Links to episodes 7, 8, 9, and 10 don’t work ;(
thank you