Kamisama no Memochou | 神様のメモ帳 | Blu-ray
NOTE : You are watching a show that uses Ordered Chapters with Segment Linking, make sure to download the OP/ED files as well and that you place them in the same folder as the episodes.
NOTE : You are watching a show that uses Ordered Chapters with Segment Linking, make sure to download the OP/ED files as well and that you place them in the same folder as the episodes.
Please re-upload. Thank you!!!
links are down, can you please re-upload? Thank you
Loli is Justice <3
Episodes 5-12 and Op/Ed link expired. Reupload please
OP/ED files expired. Please fix.
My loli hacker…..
that genre though :3
what a bullshit
like man watching yaoi anime but say he not gay
What!?? So if I’m reading yaoi h doujins featuring cute girls with a “d”, I’ve turned into a gay..!??
LOL many ppl watched yaoi anime for a change of pace and the comedy, saves for the yaoi aspect. My sister got a bf but both me and my sister like watching sol yuri anime, so by your logic she’s automatically a lesb right..!?? Nice deduction, sherlock ( ̄□ ̄)
LOL why you guys take this too seriously
Not sure if you were. Probably bc you saw Katholika replied first and you decided to act like a troll when you’re not. Very funny attempt (almost pathetic even), you deserved a medal for this sir (b^ー゚)
Autodownload :3