Kemono no Souja Erin | 獣の奏者エリン | Blu-ray

NOTE : You are watching a show that uses Ordered Chapters with Segment Linking, make sure to download the OP/ED files as well and that you place them in the same folder as the episodes.

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Download Kemono no Souja Erin | 獣の奏者エリン | Blu-ray

8 Responses to “Kemono no Souja Erin | 獣の奏者エリン | Blu-ray

  • reupload pls?

  • Hi. Plz fix the links…

  • all the links are dead
    kindly reuplod it

  • Fix the OP and ED pls cus is not work.

  • My attachments didn’t work? Imgur it is:
    actual chapters:
    fixed chapters:

  • Tanks for the upload, I was looking for this!

    But the OP/EDs aren’t linked at all. The edition isn’t ordered and there are no chapters with a Segment-UID. You can fix it with a chapter editor (mkvmerge has one), but I don’t know when the series switches from OP1/ED1 to OP2/ED2 (probably at episode 25?).

    Here are the Segment-UIDs you need:
    OP1: 87a4c20d94454023a46f92e32f021caa
    ED1: ad96a7b90dc19517bc4a677f5ae739aa
    OP2: 8ea7693f0eb40dfa851ec7ffe610734c
    ED2: 981f0ebd4efea61ea5ab91ec4ff36bdc
    and the exact lengths:
    OP1 length: 00:01:30.340000000
    ED1 length: 00:01:30.382000000
    OP2 length: 00:01:30.465000000
    ED2 length: 00:01:30.382000000

    The preview also starts with a single frame not actually belonging there, so you can just increase the time by 1 frame.

    See attachments for a comparison of the actual vs fixed chapters (of episode 1).

  • thanks acb

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