Koi wa Sekai Seifuku no Ato de | Blu-ray


Koi wa Sekai
Seifuku no Ato de

12 Episodes | Blu-ray

It’s love at first sight for Fudo and Desumi, except it was during a battle of life and death. Fudo, leader of the hero squad Gelato 5, and Desumi, the Death Queen of the evil society Gekko, have found themselves caught in a forbidden love—and it’s their first relationship! Moving in secrecy, they live holding hands with one weapon in the other, finding out what’s truly fair in love and war.

Action, Comedy,
Romance, Supernatural

project No.9, Asmik Ace,
Happinet Phantom Studios


3.77 avg. rating (75% score) - 30 votes

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