Koufuku Graffiti | 幸腹グラフィティ | Blu-ray

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Download Koufuku Graffiti | 幸腹グラフィティ | Blu-ray

20 Responses to “Koufuku Graffiti | 幸腹グラフィティ | Blu-ray

  • Episode 2 is missing subtitles
    Edit: Never mind, had some trouble with the player and it works now 😀 Thanks for sharing this btw

  • Sorry, but can you reupload episode 5 through 12?

  • I’m sad. 🙁 Link for Episode 5 and up no longer exist.

  • solidfiles is changing
    not so fast right now

  • Episode 5 and up, direct;y to google

  • Thank you.

  • Sorry. . . . but still directs me to google for all episode links
    please fix it

  • ok… thank you~

  • episode 9 & 11 dead. fix pls.

  • Worth watching?

    • Depends. If you like Shokugeki no Souma or slice-of-life genre related to food/cooking, and don’t mind the foodgasm overloads then you may want to watch this one. I’d say give it a try~

      • Alright i’m interested. But, One question:
        Are they moe?

        • Moe as in K-ON or Lucky Star..!?? Hmm not quite if that’s what you mean by moe or like moe moe kyun. This is just a ‘normal’ slice-of-life not CGDCT because the main focus here is foods (and the way they ate it which is kinda…awesome).

          • You lied to me!.. look at this moe!!!

            In any case, thanks for the recommendation, Shinyagami-san~!

          • That’s just the after-effects of eating something delicious (according to them). They only had that expression whenever they’re eating and I already told you that’s one of the main focus here. That’s what I mean by overloads of foodgasm. I said I recommend this if you like anime like Shokugeki no Souma, or slice-of-life related to cooking. It’s still quite normal for me, if you want ‘m-m-m-moenster kill’ go watch the recent GochiUsa S2.

            Welp, sorry if it’s not up your alley (。>д<。)

          • No no no. You misunderstood. I wasn’t being sarcastic. I watched the first episode and I like it!
            I was saying you lied to me about them not being moe!
            Because, I mean, look at that picture~~~~~~~~!

  • Thanks, Bakaiser-san.

  • Thanks for the BD Bakaiser-san. Let’s da Foodgasm party begin ƪ(ˆ▽ˆ)ʃ

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