Mahou Sensou | 魔法戦争 | Blu-ray

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Download Mahou Sensou | 魔法戦争 | Blu-ray

8 Responses to “Mahou Sensou | 魔法戦争 | Blu-ray

  • was it really bad?

    • it is bad, but i am not exactly aware about the degree of how bad it was, then i read somewhere that even the light novel author of this series said that it was a mistake to animate this.
      in any case, yes, it’s bad

  • on of the sittiest anime i ever seen hahaha

    it’s so so in the first few ep, but get weird in the middle…

  • just want to say something about this anime…
    this is one of the best anime that I like..
    first [1 2 3] was not so bad.. just like other anime.. good intro
    but then I was like “damn so bad” in the middle..
    then I force myself to overcome my bore and makes me want to puke until 11th episode.. wtf.. this is not “ending” supposed to be.. but then I try to watch the last episode.. damn I am so glad going this far. I know a lot of people do not appreciate this kind of anime.. but i like it.. even though I hate it.. >__<

    and thank you Bakaiser for uploading this anime

  • why the sub fonts are different in ep7-12 from ep1-6?

  • Warning!
    There is a cliffhanger at the end of the series that will make you very frustated

  • thx bakaiser

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