They’re RAR archives, so just extract part1.rar with WinRAR (recommended because it’s the official application for RAR). It’ll automatically extract the video as one file from all of the archives. Make sure that all parts are on the same directory and have the same name though (only differentiated by the partX string).
04-14-19 – 3 Years & 7 Months all links in Solidfiles are still AVAILABLE
eps 13 only 1.30 minute?
Tusfiles may need a re-upload..
i think this have a movie?
i am correct?
ummm is there even an ova for madoka? there is episode 13, but i think there is only 12 episode and trilogy Movie…
the content of ep 13 is only a one minute song though
madoka trilogy broken links, after linkshrink, i got directed to google
post it in re upload section
excuse me but the movies are part 1 and part 2, how do I make them just one movie ? please help I’m not expert
They’re RAR archives, so just extract part1.rar with WinRAR (recommended because it’s the official application for RAR). It’ll automatically extract the video as one file from all of the archives. Make sure that all parts are on the same directory and have the same name though (only differentiated by the partX string).
Thanks been having trouble figuring it out
is this 10bit ?
Unless specified otherwise, this is probably 8bit.
OVA …. size is 11 MB it is right ? …….. ova only have OP scene with more and less 1 minute 20 second