I am thankful to the encoder for the release.
Its was a long awaited movie for all of us and not be able to fully under the dialogs fully makes me a little sad.
well duh -_-, from my point of view a critique(or much-less pointing out if theres is something wrong) -comments is way more useful than your bootlicker comments
first at all, it is not you whom i have been replying, second you think your comment is useful? third, i’m giving my own advice and opinion about him, why go butt yourself in our conversation? seriously people in the comment section’s this day….. -_-
lol did you see in my reply that i am saying you can’t point a mistake in subs or video? -_-
i just say this; if you want a better video, go on google and search for one, stop complaining, your not the one who is encoding this, better encode for yourself if you want a better one
you can’t expect everyone can encode themselves…can you not understand? and he’s being grateful for it..he just pointing it out because yeah, he wants a better subs..you interpreted his statement as complaining..which isn’t true..that’s what i wanna say..
please encode also BexSan9 Sub….
why tiny paste always redirecting me to this site http://adhexa.com/pop.html .. wtf.. cant download anything from this site..
ill bet on version 2… because if v1 good v2 wouldn’t be needed…
This is the best version available … http://www.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=716655
and the path … http://www.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=717049
I hope you encode this one …
Somethings wrong with Version 2, while playing it was stop at 00:08:28 and suddenly jump to 00:34:38 , please fix this problem.
what is the difference between ver 1 and 2 ?
new sub
SD 480p please…..always stopped in the middle of dl because time out
Use a download manager, like IDM or something, works well with solidfiles,
you can pause,resume and even refresh old downloads with new links :v
Is everything ok with the version 2?? I mean the subs??
Could you make a patch for version 1 sub?
thanks for this upload..
is this hardsub??
please upload SD 480p. thanks
SWY……upload SD 480p….solid n tus is slow in here
Can we wait for a pro fansub’s encode ?
a very very good subtitle if any want to use it is colored too
sub added as version 2
It’s a bit difficult guessing the meaning every time
Been waiting for this version for a long time.
sankyu bakaiser
plzz upload on 180upload or clicknupload
Great Quality encode but the subtitles are bad. (Sometimes does not translate what is actually is being said and sometimes whole phrases missing.)
at last !!!! thanks admin ….
thanks for the movie..i’ve been searching this for a long time
I had to delay the subtitles by 200ms just to watch properly
Finally *_* THX for the upload dude!!
Naruto how the hell can you be so dense
Translations are very bad in subtitles
giving thanks to the encoder is much better than complaining about the subs….. -_-
I am thankful to the encoder for the release.
Its was a long awaited movie for all of us and not be able to fully under the dialogs fully makes me a little sad.
how about u sub by yourself or buy the ori ? i think that will be better than complain about the sub.
he’s just saying so v2 may come out. no need to get so butthurt over it.
heha he just “Make Inu: People U know
subtitles a bit messy, he just pointed that out. what’s the problem?
well duh -_-, from my point of view a critique(or much-less pointing out if theres is something wrong) -comments is way more useful than your bootlicker comments
first at all, it is not you whom i have been replying, second you think your comment is useful? third, i’m giving my own advice and opinion about him, why go butt yourself in our conversation? seriously people in the comment section’s this day….. -_-
so, you’re saying we can’t point out any mistakes at all? he’s more like pointing out that subtitles’ a bit mess,which is true.
lol did you see in my reply that i am saying you can’t point a mistake in subs or video? -_-
i just say this; if you want a better video, go on google and search for one, stop complaining, your not the one who is encoding this, better encode for yourself if you want a better one
you can’t expect everyone can encode themselves…can you not understand? and he’s being grateful for it..he just pointing it out because yeah, he wants a better subs..you interpreted his statement as complaining..which isn’t true..that’s what i wanna say..
Its been a year and finally the Japanese ver is out….
now you know Japan doesnt like to share everything to the world
It isn’t a year but about 8 months.Anyway every anime movie take 8-10 months to get Blu-ray release.
master is this jap audio?
Thanks. But what’s the source details ?
thanks for the upload, i’ve been waiting for this!!
Thank you Baka-aye-sir.
YES !!!!! Been Waiting for this!!!!!
Is it 480p, 720p or 1080p?
yes…… TQ Anime Chiby
which sub is this??
Yes! at last i can watch it in BD wpohohohohoho. ^_^
BD? Bangladesh?
Bluray Disc
How Dumb I am!!!
woah.. so fast.. about 2day ago jap dub out.. THX