Nazo no Kanojo X | 謎の彼女X | Blu-ray


Nazo no Kanojo X

13 Episodes | Blu-ray

When the oddly peculiar Mikoto Urabe transfers into Akira Tsubaki’s class, he finds that life has thrown him the weirdest curve ball ever. Because while Urabe may be an anti-social loner who sleeps on her desk, carries a pair of scissors in her underwear and breaks out in sudden fits of insane laughter, there’s something about her that Tsubaki just can’t quite put his finger on.

Ecchi, Mystery,

Hoods Entertainment,
Kodansha, Starchild Records


5.00 avg. rating (99% score) - 9 votes

Download Nazo no Kanojo X | 謎の彼女X | Blu-ray

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