One Piece: Gyojin Tou-hen | Episode 18
One Piece: Gyojin Tou-hen
21 Episodes | SubsPlease
The Straw Hats reunite at Sabaody! The promised day has arrived. The Straw Hats have made it back to Sabaody Archipelago after two arduous years of separation. In the very same place where they once lost to Pacifista, the Straw Hats have proven themselves to be stronger and ready to begin their journey to the New World. With the Thousand Sunny now equipped to travel underwater, the next stop is the Fish-Man Island.
Action, Adventure, Comedy,
Drama, Fantasy
Toei Animation
somehow not to my liking. compared to original, the animation seemed to be lacking/not smooth. then the color, the lines, the shade etc seemed more like a something drawn on paper and then scanned into pc rather than animation made with pc. the pacing seemed weird (this one might be because I'm used to the original pacing), and the transition between scene kinda lacking/unnatural.
in all, for me it was a bad attempt to 'remake' the arc into a special.