One Piece 480p Yibis Subs Episode 488-662
Before he was executed, the legendary Pirate King Gold Roger revealed that he had hidden the treasure One Piece somewhere in the Grand Line. Now, many pirates are off looking for this legendary treasure to claim the title Pirate King. One pirate, Monkey D. Luffy, is a boy who had eaten the Devil’s Fruit and gained rubber powers. Now he and his crew are off to find One Piece, while battling enemies and making new friends along the way.
I want to download one piece episode 589 until the latest one. is there anyone who can tell me where I can find links that are still working?
Re-upload 575-578 please? Links are dead. Thanks.
What happened to the 720p yibis encodes? I would go to other sites for mini 720p releases but honestly you guys have the best encodes.
I have a good number of your 720p yibis releases up till 666, trying to obtain 667-676. If you need any to be uploaded just ask, but please continue on with the 720p/480p yibis releases of one piece.
Why the movie suddenly only until 662? Please re-update this section. Yibis already until 680. Thanks
why no link for ep 492 !!?
428 – 429 i can’t find at mediafire
428 – 429 i can’t find at mediafire !!
none of the link is working guys
Good day Admin,
I noticed that there are 2 types of Yibis subtitle for Onepiece, the thin and the regular one.. PLEASE DO NOT USE THE THIN SIZE SUBTITLE, use only the regular yibis subtitle in reencoding and uploading Onepiece 480p episodes for us to have uniform type of subtitle.. PLEASE I BEG YOU!!
we don’t edit the subtitle. Please update your codec
Good day Admin, I noticed that there are 2 types of Yibis subtitle for Onepiece, the thin and the regular one.. PLEASE DO NOT USE THE THIN SIZE SUBTITLE, use only the regular yibis subtitle in reencoding and uploading Onepiece 480p episodes for us to have uniform type of subtitle.. PLEASE I BEG YOU
Good day Admin,
I noticed that there are 2 types of Yibis subtitle, the thin and the regular one.. PLEASE DO NOT USE THE THIN SIZE SUBTITLE, use only the regular yibis subtitle in reencoding and uploading Onepiece episodes for us to have uniform type of subtitle.. PLEASE I BEG YOU
Where’s Ep. 542?
PLEASE update new Yibis OP episodes PLEASE!!!!
No dl links for Yibis 428 and 429? Thanks!
Can anyone reupload episode 616.. PLEASE!!!!!!
Download Free 80mb HD and SD Anime Episodes At :
Please fix ep 616!
can’t seem to download from 615 onward. please help!
Try disabling your anti-virus protection
ep 637 has been release…
Please reUpload 207 to 540 720p :))))) THANK YOU!!!!
please reupload from episodes 554…the link file lost
Hope this gets updated soon. I miss TV friendly encodes…
Epsiode 604 still hasn’t been fixed. Can we please get a subbed version?
plz upload 615-621
episodes 609,611,612 cant be download.
thanks for the upload, good quality. keep up the good work.
thanks for the hard word, very little offer best quality in small size, thanks again
Still waiting for you reply to my request.
Episode 498 have not subtitles. Can you upload the .ass file?
I have linited wifi and i would like to use the bandwidth for another episodes.
what is different between this yibis post and this “” yibis post???
which one better??or is it just same??
eps 604 no sub
please fix this
thanks before
eps 604 still not yet fixed
Most links are broken, please reupload. Thanks in advance :3
eps 598-603 no download link
please fix this thx
hope that broken links would be fixed =) i like hardsubs. it makes it easy to play on tv ^_^
just what happened?? :/
What happened to the link? Where’s One Piece HQ encodes? Those with 80mb(480p) & 120mb(720p).
ahh. So there was a maintenance earlier. Thanks.
no, this page is dedicated for One Piece Yibis sub (480p) encoded by Sir Vinod (third party encoder) which gives a TV-friendly encodes . AnimeChiby encodes will be posted on the said link above. :thumbup
no. I was redirected here earlier. Its fine now.
Thanks for 604 without hardsubs

I hope you continue like this or add it as soft subs with mkvmerge also add the chapters (That’s what I did)
Thanks again
Please fix the link of ep. 598.600-602….please
Please, can you upload the file to more friendly site…?
it seems the yibis 601 has been deleted
Why episode 598, when i want to download at akafiles..
i can’t see download button..
not like 597 or another episode..
there’s came free download icon