the link for solidfiles already have died. all of it.
but for the tusfile is still working. please fix it. cause tusfile limit your download speed, even if you already have login..
i cant download from solidfiles.. it says :
The file you are trying to download has been claimed by a copyright holder through a valid copyright infringement report and is therefore no longer available.
Links down!!!
is this the dub or the sub?
This has been fixed already.
links dead
ep 7 is broken
please post in reupload request
:v LOL
:v i really want to watch this, but i think, i have so many on going anime to catch :v
any plan release dual audio? this series does need english dub
Their English dub is basically full of F-word
that what makes it more interesting
Thank you! Thank you so much!!
Please!!!!!!!! Re-open links……………..
The links have been dead for 3 moths now what is the admin doing?
It’s back
Re-up plzzzz
both solidfiles and tusfiles links are dead. no fix?
Please re-upload. Pretty please…
re-upload this one please
Still dead? -.-
both links are dead
Hi! I was wondering if you could please reupload this as the links for both tusfiles and solidfiles are dead. Thanks!
Hi! I was wondering if it would be possible for you to upload the dub of this aswell?
Or even if it’s just the soundtrack so that one could mux it with this version?
It would be much appreciated! Thanks for reading!
Fix please…it say copyright
the link for solidfiles already have died. all of it.
but for the tusfile is still working. please fix it. cause tusfile limit your download speed, even if you already have login..
i cant download from solidfiles.. it says :
The file you are trying to download has been claimed by a copyright holder through a valid copyright infringement report and is therefore no longer available.
please fix this.. thank you
hey ep 9, 10 nd ova dont have subs! pls fix!
Which is faster SolidFiles or TusFiles?
I think TusFiles
solidfiles is better , tusfiles sometimes limits your speed
japanese cartoon huh?? LOL
Also, Ep2 link named as Ep1 , and Ep1 link named as Ep2
Just download everything and you’ll be fine
we all know how busy you guys are , but when u have time plz fix it
it can be confusing you know :[
Why not using ads anymore?
Bless you Bakaiser, for uploading this.