may i ask everytime i extract the files its get corrupted and dont extract at all using winrar but with 7 zip i can forcibly extract it though some parts are corrupted is it only me?
Help, when i download a video or a movie it go like this when i double click. I don’t know why, but when i download a video, the file is not a video. Can someone help me.
Can you please re-upload for movie 3 and 4, I try to download it but it said it no longer exist
Thank you..
may i ask everytime i extract the files its get corrupted and dont extract at all using winrar but with 7 zip i can forcibly extract it though some parts are corrupted is it only me?
The content of the movie 1 and 2 are similar. Please fix it, if you have a spare time. Thank you, and godspeed.
Try again.
pls fix the P3M1 pls, wrong file dude…..
Fix the god damn thing.
P3M4 part 3, link doesn’t redirected to the zippy
It does..
solidfiles Persona 3 Movie 4 plz
movie 3 part 1 cannot be clicked ‘-‘
Spring of Birth rar contains movie 2. >_<
I second this. Please correct the Movie 1 link
thanks Bakaiser <3
Persona 3 the Movie 4: Winter of Rebirth
Part 02 cant be clicked…
please help…
same here
It’s fine lol subs for the last one
I almost forgot the about the 4th movie……
Please I wanna watch the ending
Soulreaperzone has the BD.
based CornBreadMan just released Falling down. just waiting for your glorious reencode bakaiser
bluray + watermark? ._.
when is 3rd movie out ?
reupload please. both movie links is dead
please post it in reupload request
EXTRACT ERROR,download through solidfiles (P3 the moovie 1) am I the only one??
ill try using the other link then
thanks for the movie
director’s cut?
Is the link have been fixed?
or still swapped?
I wish they made a P1 and P2 anime.
Thankyou Thankyou … been waiting for this … Thanks Bakaiser-san ;3
cant wait for the 3rd part … i love playing P3 … (especially as the female MC) ;3
is this BD?
no available link? please fix it
don’t understand
movie 2 which link!!?
Is the link have been fixed?
aw no the link is swapped, i should read the comment below, guess i learn the lesson
I should’ve read the comments first. I downloaded the Movie 1 on Movie 2’s link.
btw the episodes are jumbled up episode 1 button links to ep 2 , ep 2 button link to ep 1
what’s wrong with both of the tusfiles links???
damn.. waited for this. thanks!
Is it only me or the movie 2 size in Tusfile only 4KB?
the links are swapped
Been waiting for this to come out! Thanks.
omg what fansub is it? btw the link switched out
In the tag list, it says CBM
Help, when i download a video or a movie it go like this when i double click. I don’t know why, but when i download a video, the file is not a video. Can someone help me.
are you sure that you’ve an appropriate media player that can play matroska/mkv file installed?
Thanks alot!
I’ve been waiting for this.
Thanks Arsandy for accept my request that i write in your facebook page.
Thanks a lot!!
This is what I had waited for >_<
ca’nt connect in because of websence in my company.. T_T really getting hard time when you upload it here..
Really-really thanks for this! ^_^
I have been waiting for the movie. Thank you very much!
Yay THANK YOU !!!!!
I think that because file become very big
if its big at least around 400-500 mb
WOw!!! Thank you for this Arsandy!
Thanks for encoding this movie ……..
Thanks a lot Arsandy-san! Waited 3 years for this Movie!
As always, thanks Arsandy for encoding all these recent movies.
First! Thanks Arsandy, waited months for this.