Potemayo | ぽてまよ


Sunao Moriyama finds a strange but cute creature that he names Potemayo. Potemayo starts following him everywhere, usually riding on top of his head. His discovery becomes the center of attention in his class at school. Soon after, a similar creature appears, and is named Guchuko by one of Sunao’s classmates. However, Guchuko doesn’t seem to be as good-natured as Potemayo.

Episodes: 12 + 6 Specials
Genres: Comedy, School, Seinen
Duration: 24 min. per episode

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Download Potemayo | ぽてまよ

7 Responses to “Potemayo | ぽてまよ

  • useless site. just ads and redirections. can’t download a thing.

  • Thanks a lot!

  • the links have all stopped working completely

    • i just tried one… and it downloaded and played fine… are you having difficulty getting past the mt0 ad page? … if so, then like me, your isp has blocked it or something #$%^ed up… there are a few ways to solve… change dns/proxy/vnp (lim helped me with this today aswell) … but i’ll pm you with something easier

      • Yea for some reason the ads show up but there’s no skip button anymore in ie, chrome or firefox… Strange

        • not sure if this will be removed but… try this http://boomproxy.com … its what i used to bypass mt0, make sure you “untick” block scripts and objects… when the mt0 page loads, the “skip ad” will be in the box at top of browser (just scroll down in the box)

  • beef you glorious bastard… thank you (will download when my internet renews)

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