Project ARMS | プロジェクトアームズ | Dual Audio

Project Arms
A boy gets involved in an accident when in kindergarten, horribly damaging his arm, but the doctors somehow manage to save it. Now, several years later, his arm seems to be becoming the focus of strange events as it turns out to be more than a normal arm. Meanwhile, a secret organizations is out to get hold of him and the power he possess.
link dead please reupload
please fix the s2
g8 upload thanks
I was 8 when i last saw this on our local channel. thanks beef!
about time i rewatch this goodness.
okay so i clicked the button for season 1, and downloaded these:
Episode 1 –
Episode 2 –
Episode 3 –
Episode 4 –
and i got these:
Yeah. Please fix it sir.
fixed. try again
just download all S1 and S2
and you will get full episodes for S1 and S2
yes ty been w8ting for this ^_^
where is the season 2 of project arms?
below the season 1 button?
i didnt click it hehe.. ^_^