Ranpo Kitan Game of Laplace | 乱歩奇譚 | Blu-ray


Ranpo Kitan:
Game of Laplace

11 Episodes | Blu-ray

A certain middle school where several murder cases take place. Kobayashi, a boy who goes to this school, meets genius detective Akechi, who comes to the school to investigate. Kobayashi takes an interest in Akechi and, in spite of his friend Hashiba’s worries, he volunteers to be Akechi’s assistant.

Drama, Mystery,

Lerche, Aniplex,
Dentsu, Fuji TV


3.86 avg. rating (79% score) - 7 votes

Download Ranpo Kitan Game of Laplace | 乱歩奇譚 | Blu-ray

One Response to “Ranpo Kitan Game of Laplace | 乱歩奇譚 | Blu-ray

  • Thank you very much for the reupload! Greatly appreciated!

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