RideBack | ライドバック | Blu-ray
NOTE : You are watching a show that uses Ordered Chapters with Segment Linking, make sure to download the OP/ED files as well and that you place them in the same folder as the episodes.
NOTE : You are watching a show that uses Ordered Chapters with Segment Linking, make sure to download the OP/ED files as well and that you place them in the same folder as the episodes.
I believe wrong summarry review?
Broken links of OP&ED for both SF&TF,
Links Updated!
Can you fix the Link of Solidfiles and Tusfiles pls cus all link is redirect to Google.
just tried the solidfiles links now and they seems fine.
mine not cus all links i click redirect to Google.
what browser u use? mine Google.
or can give me the link of ED and OP in Solidfiles if the link is work on u? PLS, Thanks in Advance.
Link Dead, can you fix it?? thank’s
link is down please check
Hello, is there any alternative to episode 12? It is missing here. thanks!
ep 12 is just 435.8 MiB
it’s too big!
Thank you, but it’s too big for me.
episode 12 link fixed
what? is episode 12 gone??? pleaseee.
can anyone give me the link of episode 12, pleaseeeeee…
fixed, sorry
I cannot download from solidfiles.. can you upload to shockshare or firedrive please… thank you
where’s episode 8? it redirects me to DL link for episode 9
Ep12 link was stated as ep13 but the size was the same as OP.
waiting for the fix
Does eps.12 link repaired yet? Or is it still the link for opening theme?
Cant open solid files =(
Can you upload on Zippyshare please.
dear Bakaiser, please upload episode 12, because there is no file of RideBack episode 12 on your pastes and there is no episode 13 within RideBack series, RideBack just 12 episode and episode 13 is Opening RideBack.
thanks in advance
Episode 12 = Episode 13 = Opening RideBack.
The anime has only 12 episodes, i think it is the labeling that is wrong. http://myanimelist.net/anime/4618/RideBack
that’s right.
pls check again (~^0^)~