Serial Experiments Lain | Coalgirls | Blu-Ray
NOTE : You are watching a show that uses Ordered Chapters with Segment Linking, make sure to download the OP/ED files as well and that you place them in the same folder as the episodes.
NOTE : You are watching a show that uses Ordered Chapters with Segment Linking, make sure to download the OP/ED files as well and that you place them in the same folder as the episodes.
Thanks a lot for this!
Dead Links Report: 21/08/19
Ep: 01 – 13 – ALL DEAD
Links are dead
link dead, please fix
Links are dead, re-upload Zippyshare please.
Most of the links dead already…can u guys upload it back? thx in advance^^
Thanks for the re-upload.
Ep9 zippyshare links are dead and ep9 megalinks are unextracable
Thank You Bakaiser-senpai for the re-upload.
Thank you! Ermm … just wanna know, why is ep 9 400mb? ^^
there are some real footage at episode 9 thus making the size very big, 400mb is already the smallest size possible to maintain its quality
it has almost 1gb size before encoded
Maybe you already know this since i am 6 months late to answer this question LOL
Still, thanks for answering ^^
read the title, is like reading Indonesia Language…
is this a good anime???
13 eps of surealism and deep symbolism, make neon genesis evangelion looks like kid’s show. If you love sci-fi, cyberpunk, and hacker stuff, go watch it. It’s airing in ’98, don’t expect good animation.
this anime not for child U.. dont hope anything good in this anime hehe haha .. watching this twice and U w’ll understand
on solidfiles, ep 9 400mb??
Yep.. 400mb.. I wondered why it’s taking too long even though my speed is not dropping..
Thanks buddy….
Yoshhh! All links download is working now, much thanks Bakaiser-san!
Reupload request!! Please?
404 not found
What’s wrong with previous one?
the episode 9 was to 398mb :c
is it just me.. or episode 9’s size wasnt reduced?
nevermind,… it was… ££
i want ep 9 and 11 please
please try again
thank you n love you
i want ep 9 and 11 please
Lots of thanks for an OC’d encode of Lain.
The link come out as ‘502 Bad Gateway’ when I tried to download it ><
Why is Episode 09 480p SD 224Mb? can you please fix that?
source file was around 1.2 GB, fair enough if you’ll ask me
Thank you…I’ll guess I’ll have to download it as it is..
hi , so what the differences between each fansub ?
noob here
Thanks but what’s the difference from previously encoding?
Only coalgirls fansub?
I think it’s reupload . .