awesome way for people who complain from zippy share
1- open the download page ( the zippy page )
2-copy the url in this site >>
3- click generate links
4- scroll below you will find ur download ready with full speed
ps : works with multi sites so good luck very amazing site
start download from zippyshare
1>progress up to 7x%
2>file corrupt
3>back 0%
4> back to step 1 and repeat that process until god knows how much of it will repeated or I got tired and delete it from download queue
Bakaraiser-sama, can you please go back to solidfiles like before. Solidfiles temporarily change the policy (like no multiconnection in downloading) to encourage buying of premium account. I guess that’s why you shift to zippyshare. But they change it back again.
Not always, depends on the genre. Sometimes they fixed the animation quality, graphical inconsistencies in tv version, changed OP/ED theme, etc. But BD release for ecchi anime with lots of fanservice usually means uncensored version.
It’s okay for me. You may want to try closing that tab that’s redirecting to google then click again the button of certain link, in your case OVA button. Linkshrink randomly generate shortened link that links to google instead of the right link.
Considering they’ve been very very generous and one the best filehosting for a long time, it’s only a matter of time they decided to require help for paying server costs. Ofc I already expected that to happen sooner or later since long ago.
It’s not greedy, every filehostings will eventually do that anyway (if they haven’t already). Just treat it as “the promotional service of Solidfiles has finally ended.”
No Departures?
All links are dead please reupload it i need this for research lol
All the links are dead.
Kindly re-upload please.
is the Season 2 in Blu-Ray Version?
Season 1 links to season 2 contents.
season one and season two switched placed
season 1 ep 4-12 file doesn’t exist. Thank you
True. Admin please fix. Thank you.
thanks animechiby…watching Ecchi anime non BD release is like Shortcake without strawberry on top …
Thanks for Links.all okay.i have been waiting for BD and today i found them out so …
lets rewatch and enjoy.^^Domo arigato gozaimasu
all links are OK
Thanks for this…
I get ‘error 4’ when I try to access the download page of Episode 2
Nevermind, it’s ok now
faster download speed with zippyshare thanks!
Yeah I Agree …. ^^
failed twice downloading from zippyshare, i give up….
link for episode 6 is bad, i thinks…can fix? thanks
i download all file for season 2, but there aren’t subs for every episode.. can you help? thank you…
there is… u need to turn on the sub
awesome way for people who complain from zippy share
1- open the download page ( the zippy page )
2-copy the url in this site >>
3- click generate links
4- scroll below you will find ur download ready with full speed
ps : works with multi sites so good luck very amazing site
always got scratch and corrupt filein MF and Zipphy even my download speed is fast, only solid have no prob. :/
can you fix episode 5, link go to google, thanks before
Why don’t use solidfiles ? =.=
Because the ads and pop-ups are annoying af.
don’t use zippyshare it’s suck download from there
look my comment top
Is it just me or the one i downloaded from zippy share don’t have subtitles at all. Pls help.
I used vlc and mpc still, no subtitles lol.
> that avatar
No wonder you can’t get it to work
I still couldn’t watch this because zippy sucks please solid it.
For me, zippy runs very smoothly with maximum speed and resume ability.
I have a 2mb connection and I still manage, suck it up
look my comment top >>
start download from zippyshare
1>progress up to 7x%
2>file corrupt
3>back 0%
4> back to step 1 and repeat that process until god knows how much of it will repeated or I got tired and delete it from download queue
Bakaraiser-sama, can you please go back to solidfiles like before. Solidfiles temporarily change the policy (like no multiconnection in downloading) to encourage buying of premium account. I guess that’s why you shift to zippyshare. But they change it back again.
I keep getting error from zippyshare when downloading Burst. So can you upload it at another host?
Bakaraiser sama is this blue ray for smnt or smnt burst
both bd…. the tag says so…
thank you very much ACB,been waiting for this..muh dick is happy now..
i want more seasons of this
Blu-ray means Uncencored right guys?
thats right.
Not always, depends on the genre. Sometimes they fixed the animation quality, graphical inconsistencies in tv version, changed OP/ED theme, etc. But BD release for ecchi anime with lots of fanservice usually means uncensored version.
Oh thanks! ShinRei-sama
Thanks for uploading in zippyshare.
Thanks a lot for adding Zippy links, Solid files has been really bad lately, plus I get much better DL speeds when using Zippy
yeah solid been so slow lately…
I think solid is better you should reconsider your choices
before, yes but now they limit the DL speed and added a premium access if you want the maximum speed. Solidfiles is officially sucks.
Been waiting for that 2nd season BD for a long time now. Thank you
hello..there is something wrong with the subtitles.. Shinmai Maou no Testament Burst episode 1…
thanks for zippy links now…cz solid bad now
The OVA link goest to google LOL
It’s okay for me. You may want to try closing that tab that’s redirecting to google then click again the button of certain link, in your case OVA button. Linkshrink randomly generate shortened link that links to google instead of the right link.
Blu-ray version!! :3
hm…… just gonna ask but the link is to zippy is it correct or not?
they upload bluray to zippy now
which is good because solidfiles has been greedy for adding premium access.
Considering they’ve been very very generous and one the best filehosting for a long time, it’s only a matter of time they decided to require help for paying server costs. Ofc I already expected that to happen sooner or later since long ago.
It’s not greedy, every filehostings will eventually do that anyway (if they haven’t already). Just treat it as “the promotional service of Solidfiles has finally ended.”