Slam Dunk | スラムダンク | Blu-ray

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Download Slam Dunk | スラムダンク | Blu-ray

43 Responses to “Slam Dunk | スラムダンク | Blu-ray

  • please reupload this. thank you

  • Can you reupload plss?

  • Please reupload again,links are down

  • can you re upload again?

  • Please reupload again,links are down

  • Yes! Yes! Yes! Thanks a lot for this

  • Links are down

  • Reupload please 🙁 ep 5 onwards isn’t available

  • please reupload, only eps 01-04 that still available

  • File has expired and does not exist anymore on this server 🙁

  • Howdy admin, forgive me for my audacity but could you please make a batch of this if it’s not too much to ask.

    Nt: From a great fan of this page and y’all.

  • cant open movie 4 part 2 link

  • Thank you. Now I can watch it with glorious bd720 quality

  • tq admin….

  • Are the movies 720p as well?

  • please re-upload this link………:(

  • So, there is no reviving of slam dunk links. So, if anyone who has already downloaded has links, please send the links from episode 50-60. Thank you. You can share them through bit sync or file host. If anybody wants remaining episodes other than 50-60, i can share to you through bit sync.
    Sorry for pestering, but could you please revive these links ACB? Thank you.

  • Actually, the host links of Maison Ikkoku are not taken down. They are still in Solidfiles. It is Linkshrink while complies with DCMA have been down. If anybody is looking for Maison Ikkoku by animechiby, here is a site which mirrored the great animechiby links.

  • Please Fix the links of Slam dunk and Maison Ikkoku. Atleast, Share through torrents. Please.

  • ep 8 and up.. directed to google.. please fix it.. thanks..

  • still error, can you fix it?

  • i think linkshrink has broken, all redirected to google, even file i had been download

  • Some files links to google.
    Both Solidfiles or Tusfiles links needs to be fixed.
    Please Thank you!

  • pls reupload solidfile links from eps 46 onwards..all link to google instead of real links..pls help @Bakaiser

  • some of the files links to google, please fix

  • Thumb up… really great.. = )

  • Would it be possible to get english audio for this?

  • w0w is this 4real. . thanks. . made my day happy!

  • Awesome thanks 😀

  • finally a version with soft subs and decent sub style! thanks a bunch!

    • If you have episodes or episode links, could you share it with me from episode 50-60 and if possible from second movie? Thank you.

      • this series is listed in reupload request I think, you might be lucky and they reup it soonish 🙂

        • Actually, there is no need to reupload, they just have to find the links of the files from Solidfiles and Tusfiles. Solifiles DMCA didn’t take them down. It is Linkshrink which have been taken down. If they could associate those file hosting links to some another advertising site, that would be enough. There is no need for re-upload. Cause Linkshrink is Strict on DMCA policies. Here Maison Ikkoku Links have been taken down but I have seen another site which shared solidfiles links of anime Chiby with their advertising site as medium which are still alive. You can check on the top comment i have made.

          • “just” find them, you are funny, do you have any idea on how much stuff they uploaded? I highly doubt they actually keep a list of it after posting ^^’
            who knows whether they use a certian account to upload, I actually doubt it, it would be a higher risk of being taken down at once, I bet they are either divided in several accounts or well, uploaded without an account alltogether, just anonymous… so if you don’t copy your own links and save them somewhere they’re lost I guess
            also I wonder if anyone here would be happy to see their links are stolen by another site >_>’
            even if it did help to keep it up… they’re still stolen…

          • Ha, I wish I was actually making fun about it. I know they uploaded quite a lot of stuff but it wouldn’t hurt to save a text file of the links they have uploaded to. That’s what I hoped and hoping for, cause we don’t need to know any special programing for that. Anyway, yeah, you are right. Lost is lost. If you happen to find those episodes with you share with me nine episodes, from 51 to 59. I’m earnest. I don’t actually like wastage of resource and hard work. Even if they are lost somewhere among your torrents of files that have downloaded, “If you happened to”, share with me those nine episodes through bitsync or filehosting or torrent. If you have faster network, reupload them to solifiles or usercloud (They won’t take down links quickly) and submit to ACB member so that they can share it again. Thank you.
            From 51~59.

          • Well, doh, same as before, just how long would that textfile be, or if it’s

            more then one, how would they know what is what anymore ^^’
            Even if the idea came up at some point to them to go back through these thousands of files and copy links…. I wouldn’t do it either, especially with all the stuff they do need to reup all the time, also exchanging random line in random text documents… would just add to the work….
            Also I’m pretty sure they have the files, just not the download links and I bet if they wanted to exchange the links they’d prefer their own links, so I surely won’t send the links to the team or sth, it might even be considered offending.
            but I did find my files. And I’m uploading those 9 eps since I’m actually a nice person.
            still uploading but these are up by now:

          • You surely are the nicest person for me.
            Hey, I am just telling the possibility. I am not telling them to do something. What I do here to admin is requesting. That’s it. I just hoped. I actually collect links around the web to download stuff. I make text files and save in my google drive. I just hoped that they might have done. Not that they should do it. If you think I am naive, that’s fine.
            Anyway, thank you so much for the links. nobody every did this on request except you. Please do upload remaining four episodes and share the links. Thank you.

          • well your welcome and check my other post I edited it

          • Thank you 🙂 I have downloaded and finished my collection, all because of you now.

          • Glad to hear! Maybe if you’re able to help someone someday you’ll do it, too, and that person will help someone else in return 🙂 would be cool.

          • Yes, absolutely. I admire you for saying this. Thank you.

  • whooo, a blu ray fo slam dunk, nice!, thanks acb

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