Sora no Woto | ソ・ラ・ノ・ヲ・ト | Blu-ray


So Ra No Wo To

12 Episodes | Blu-ray

In a lonely corner of the world, on the edge of No Man’s Land, sits Clocktower Fortress. It’s home to the 1121st Platoon of the Helvetian Army, and their newest member is a 15-year-old volunteer named Kanata Sorami, who enlisted to learn how to play the bugle. When she was a child, Kanata was saved by a beautiful soldier and found inspiration in the clear, golden sound of her trumpet. From that day forward, Kanata decided music would be her life.

Music, Sci-Fi,
Slice of Life

A-1 Pictures, Aniplex,
The Right Stuf International


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