Bakaiser-san, there seems to be a problem with episodes 7 & 9, both are only showing up as 383 bytes files… If it isn’t too much trouble, could you please sort it out? Thank you
Links are working fine, if anyone doesnt see the download button on solidfiles or direct download, try disabling ad blocker on solidfiles, it worked for me
I’m sorry before, but why when I opened the download link from acb paste, and then got redirected to adfly, and the linkbucks, and then google? I didn’t have any problem yesterday, but now the problem popped up from nowhere? is there any way to fix this? thanks for your consideration before ^^
Please reupload. Links does not exist anymore. Thank you!
Thank you for reuploading ^_^
reupload pls
“This file/folder has been disabled for violating our Terms of Service and is no longer available for download.”
please re upload
reupload please….
Please, re-upload!
its been alive till now. am dling it atm @___@
link dead?
arigato :DDD
please fix 44, 49 , 50
Links 44,49,50 redirect to google
links broken!!!
episode 44, 49, and 50 link redirect to
Please post it to re upload section
links are back up! yay!
It seems like the links are down yet again… 
Links 44,49.50 redirecting to google pls fix them. thanks..
Links 44,49.50 redirecting to google pls fix them. thanks..
Thank you so much!
SoEa_07_Pro_ACB.mkv File size383 bytes and
SoEa_09_Pro_ACB.mkv File size383 bytes
thank you
Thanks Bakaiser-san
Bakaiser-san, there seems to be a problem with episodes 7 & 9, both are only showing up as 383 bytes files… If it isn’t too much trouble, could you please sort it out? Thank you
yeah 7 and 9 are 383 byte
Yup, these two cannot play.
@miniquest:disqus please fix the links asap
episode 07 is not a video file size (300kb)
Is it only those two episodes? Currently downloading and I just skipped episodes 7 & 9 because it was showing as 383 bytes.
i’ve downloaded upto ep 25 and i’ve only seen those 2 abnormalities… i’ve watched the first 3 eps and its great quality video & audio
Awesome. Please let me know if there are any other abnomalities. Currently downloading episode 12. Haven’t watched any yet.
somebody have Link for episode 07 and 09??? pleaseee
my last post didn’t show :S … any way… animekens has eps 7 & 9 … you can find their page by clicking the “our friends” tab at the bottom of animechibi
downloaded all episodes, and only 07 & 09 are wrong files
Thank you for letting me know!
Links are working fine, if anyone doesnt see the download button on solidfiles or direct download, try disabling ad blocker on solidfiles, it worked for me
Please repair all the links is blocked.
link remove? why????????????????????????????????????????????/
can you please upload it to solidfile? tusfile has limit in download (although i didnt download anything)
plz update to mediafire tusfiles is a bullshit .arigatooo !!!!!!!!
Please upload in solidfiles. Thanks!
tusfiles has the limit for downloading
can you upload to solidfiles?
Can you fix the link please?
can u please upload to mediafire or mega…
Tusfiles speed is killing me! Please add another mirror.
Hey can you upload all the episode in mediafire? because it delete my file automaticly when i download using tusfiles
Do i need to download the Tusfiles?
I’m sorry before, but why when I opened the download link from acb paste, and then got redirected to adfly, and the linkbucks, and then google? I didn’t have any problem yesterday, but now the problem popped up from nowhere? is there any way to fix this? thanks for your consideration before ^^
was just wondering if these are dual audio?
Can You Please Upload Avatar – The Legend of Korra Book 2 – Spirits Episodes 1,2,3 in 480p &720p Please Upload Those…!!! I Like Your Work…!!! Thanks…
you do realize that this is an anime site and you just asked for cartoon that imitates anime? not that i hate it anyway :nerd
find them at
please fix episode 14 and 15 hd links
when i downloaded it got only 10 mb and 84 kb
Links updated!
hi Bakaiser thanks for upload soul eater.. but can u re-upload ep 14-15 HD??
BD with watermark :cd:
leecher everywhere