Strike Witches | 劇場版 | The Complete Series
NOTE : You are watching a show that uses Ordered Chapters with Segment Linking, make sure to download the OP/ED files as well and that you place them in the same folder as the episodes.
NOTE : You are watching a show that uses Ordered Chapters with Segment Linking, make sure to download the OP/ED files as well and that you place them in the same folder as the episodes.
Is there Ova 2007 it will make whole complete SW series in here tho T_T
Pantsu Racing Nippa :O wkwkw Thanks
EP1 Season 1 please fix it
Please update episode 1 of Strike witches season 1
Can’t download EP 1 from solidfiles and Tusfiles
EP 1 from Season 1 is disabled from Solidfiles, would you be kind enough to fix it bakaiser-sama?
Link Down,please reupload admin
In Strike Witches 2 Episode 2 there are some parts that don’t have subtitles starting from 08:41. Please fix
Season 2 Ep 11 has some missing subtitles too
please reupload strike witch movie part2 cause the file is broken ,,,can`t extract
Thanks for the OVA..
is the ova for the first season or for the second (strike witches: operation victory arrow)?
Please Fix ED05,ED07,ED08,ED09,ED10,ED12,OP,OP01 and OP02 solidfiles. Thank you.
Do I still need to combine the movies so that they will work?
strike witches 2 ED05,ED07,ED08,ED09,ED10,ED12,OP,OP01 and OP02 in solidfiles are redirecting to google
Why im open tusfile it directed to google??
ed 5 7~9 . op 1 2 and ed are dead
Require fix for Strike Witches Season 2 for both links(solidfiles and tusfiles) ED05. Tq
season 2 ep 11 & 12 have some missing subtitle
Its Episode 7 Extra Uncensor???
thx for fixing strike witches bakaiser… how about this OVa?…. but tnx for the upload bakaiser-san .. hope ther OVa will be uploaded soon…