Tenki no Ko | 天気の子 | Blu-ray
Tenki no Ko
Movie | Blu-ray
High school student Hodaka leaves his home on an isolated island and moves to Tokyo, but he immediately becomes broke. He lives his days in isolation, but finally finds a job as a writer for a shady occult magazine. After he starts his job, the weather has been rainy day after day. In a corner of the crowded and busy city, Hodaka meets a young woman named Hina.
Drama, Slice of Life,
Romance, Supernatural
CoMix Wave, JR Higashi Nihon Kikaku,
Lawson Entertainment, Toho
no links? 720p HD Part 01 –
file 1 ,2 and 4 of 720p is corrupt in .rar ^^
Please help… I can’t download
All I get is pop ups after pop ups
@Bakaiser your kind attention is required, there is no FHD.
Thank you
if possible please encode the bonus videos from the BR
no 1080p ver sir?
updated, FHD is up
thank you sir
why both links says 720 when I clicked the 1080? .__.
Arigato ^_^ i have been waiting a whole year for this movie…….very long long long year T_T . it’s finally here… hontone Arigato gozimas
Finally! Thank you!
whats the difference beetween 2?
nvm RADWIMPS – 天気の子 / Tenki no Ko / Weathering With You (Complete Version) is just songs