Toriko | トリコ | Complete
Toriko ~ In the world where the taste and texture of food are very important there is Toriko, a hunter of precious foods regularly hired by restaurants and the rich. A man with inhuman skills to capture the ferocious, evasive and rare animals to complete his ultimate dinner course and then the chef Komatsu, his current accomplice: a weak timid person who was inspired by Toriko’s greatness and accompanies him on all his journeys on his quest for the course of his life. ~ Toriko
Type: TV
Episodes: 147
Status: Finished Airing
Aired: Apr 3, 2011 to ?
Producers: Toei Animation, FUNimation EntertainmentL
Genres: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Shounen
Duration: 23 min. per episode
Rating: PG-13 – Teens 13 or older
Toriko Download Links
Episode 1 – 100
Rename .acb extension to .mkv
+100 is dead
can u fix episode 102-147 pls
file for episode 141 – 147 is not found in solidfiles, please fix it. thanks ^^
sir, please fix the link 102-147, the error file cannot be found, thank you
use hotspot shield software.then u will be able to open solidfiles
Sir, I am from India. Solidfiles are not working. Can you please give episodes from 101-147 in mediafire. Thank you sir. Awaiting your reply
sorry, our HDD was broken and our backup files A-F & S-Z anime are gone.
currently we still recollecting it.
These links to episodes need fixing :
Episodes : 129, 131, 132, 133
And the link of episodes : 134 – 147
Please fix link of toriko episode 139 720p
i click link 720p and it shows this word – Whoops, looks like something went wrong.
Please fix 720p link of episode 138. Tried to open, but showing this
Oops! Google Chrome could not find
please fix link mediafire embedupload 133 i cant download it from mirrorcreator.i think theres a problem with that web
Ep 135.
no link for embedupload and mirror creator. after click on skip ad it always go to
is the mess up again?
cant access linkbucks :'(
Please Encode Episodes 1-50 in 480p Pleeeeeeaaaseee??
Not able to access ep 129, its doesnt go past the adfly link its gets stuck there and no timer appears.
episode 103 was deleted from embed upload. please upload it one more time
for some reason i cant access to the mediafire link 1-100, mind if you test it out and see it works on u or not?
ep 123 480p doesn’t have sub
pls fix it
it has, please check this screenshot.
what is your player? i suggest you to use cccp codec
look’s like my codec doesn’t support yet
link for episode 101 720p not working. link on acb paste lead me to unknown site. thanks!
link for episode 103 take me to Tamayura More Aggressive – 09 acb paste.
fixed please try again
link 101 embedupload lead me to and link 101 mirrorcreator lead to or im the only one face this problem?
ok try again
how to use file
rename it become .mkv
but its not working!!!
are you sure ? coz no one complain about this problem. What episode for example ? try follow this tutorial
that why its not working!!! this .acb file types hide and open folder options click view and click hide extensions for know file types than apply…..
but how this path, when to download this out site..
try explain how to download when out site? no longer available, what episode is that ? episode 103 ? i’ve fixed eps 103 with new link
I can’t download using in episode 101 and 102 please fix it (sorry for my bad in writing)
cant download 101+
what should i do when i’m on the site?
I don’t understand how use It doesn’t give me the link to download page such MirrorCreater.
episode 111 stuck at adfly (please wait)