Uma Musume: Pretty Derby | ウマ娘 プリティーダービー | Blu-ray
Uma Musume: Pretty Derby
13 Episodes | Blu-ray
In a world very much like our own, great race horses of the past have a chance to be reborn as “horse girls” – girls with the ears and tails of horses as well as their speed and endurance. The best of these horse girls go to train at Tokyo’s Tracen Academy, hopefully moving on to fame and fortune as both racers and idols. Special Week, a high school horse girl from the countryside, has just transferred to Tracen, and she’s determined to fulfill her promise to her mother to become the best horse girl in Japan.
Drama, Sports, Slice of Life
P.A. Works, Lantis
Cygames, CygamesPictures
reupload please, all link go to
All GD links are working fine..
Sept 18th, 2021
Hello I’m Pogi Patrick from the future.
EX 1 missing???
uhh so… where’s the link?
where’s episode 13?
no Episode 13 ?
Episode 10 and 12 links are mixed up.
where ex1?
I think episode 13 missing? Please add