Wolf’s Rain | ウルフズレイン | Blu-ray


Wolf’s Rain

26 Episodes | Blu-ray

In some distant future, it’s common knowledge that all wolves have been extinct for 200 years. However, it seems this is false as wolves have not disappeared but rather have taken human form. Kiba, a lone wolf, wanders into a city, trying to sniff out the Lunar Flowers that are supposed to lead whoever follows the scent to paradise. The source of the smell is Cheza, a girl who sleeps in what appears to be suspended animation in a lab. She and the wolves are drawn to each other, and Kiba hopes to find paradise once he finds the source of the scent of Lunar Flowers.

Action, Adventure, Drama,
Fantasy, Mystery, Sci-Fi

bones, Bandai Visual,
Asatsu DK, Fuji TV


5.00 avg. rating (99% score) - 15 votes

Download Wolf’s Rain | ウルフズレイン | Blu-ray

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