it would be really great if u can use another mirror, cuz for someone who has slow speed download (like me), can’t download all of them at the same time or using querry.
nope, age restriction is very required to this kind of anime
why? this is not just a simple ecchi and incest anime, it’s hardcore, so i don’t recommend this to watch unless your 18 above
Lol don’t act like you’re such a big boy. You asked who cares about the age restriction and it went from there to it not mattering to you anymore just because you watched it.
Age restriction, especially for these kinds of animes matters a lot to the younger audience. It wouldn’t be appropriate for a ten year old to be watching something like this now, would it?
Age restriction simply lets you know what kind/s of content the anime has. You might not be part of it, but there’s a fair amount of audience who aren’t into this kind of genre.
for those who want to replace .acb with .mkv file extension faster.. (Work for Single and Batch Files)
do this
Click the folder of anime which contains .acb files..
Shift+Right click then select open command window here
on CMD write this “ren *.acb *.mkv” without quotes
or you could use a software (i.e. Advanced Renamer), i usually use that to change file of massive amount…. well, it’s ok to change several filenames manually, but it become a bother when you have a bunch of files (100++ files) and you wanted to rename them. -.-“
really love the ost from this anime
watch out headset on warning. watch this alone without parents or sibling. and i think animechiby forget one more tag and its a H tag… lol
I watch every Ecchi and Harem Tag Without parents or sibling
but sure, this one is more to H
Ah .. here we go again
Links are still perfect!
thank you very much. Links are good.
thanks for this anime
though it was ichi.. the story was really good…. first time watching ecchi cause im 18… haha…
what the sub is?
sorry, apparently the link still can be used
can u reupload eps 5-12? i think the links are dead.. thanks
720p links are dead.. can you please upload again? thank you very much..
Wow solidfiles :O Thank you
it would be really great if u can use another mirror, cuz for someone who has slow speed download (like me), can’t download all of them at the same time or using querry.
Who cares about age restriction.Just download and watch it..
nope, age restriction is very required to this kind of anime
why? this is not just a simple ecchi and incest anime, it’s hardcore, so i don’t recommend this to watch unless your 18 above
But I already watch it.So, it doesn’t matter to me anymore…..
Lol don’t act like you’re such a big boy. You asked who cares about the age restriction and it went from there to it not mattering to you anymore just because you watched it.
Age restriction, especially for these kinds of animes matters a lot to the younger audience. It wouldn’t be appropriate for a ten year old to be watching something like this now, would it?
Age restriction simply lets you know what kind/s of content the anime has. You might not be part of it, but there’s a fair amount of audience who aren’t into this kind of genre.
holy cow, this is hardcore?
Yeah. This one is already straddling the limits of H and the animes.
i do
This is the reason why we dropped some anime.
ofc uncensored
i do
oops, wrong person to reply
which fansub?
What fansubs? UTW?
for those who want to replace .acb with .mkv file extension faster.. (Work for Single and Batch Files)
do this
Click the folder of anime which contains .acb files..
Shift+Right click then select open command window here
on CMD write this “ren *.acb *.mkv” without quotes
How you guys change ACB to Mkv I don’t really understand to t hose who know please reply >.<
rename it manually, right click – rename.
It still Acb
Maybe you can show me some picture?
Add me on FB:
I already try rename it to mkv but still acb =(
you must delete the .acb and replace it with .mkv in the file name…
on windows explorer press alt -> tools -> folder option -> tab view -> unmark “hide extension for known file types”
or you could use a software (i.e. Advanced Renamer), i usually use that to change file of massive amount…. well, it’s ok to change several filenames manually, but it become a bother when you have a bunch of files (100++ files) and you wanted to rename them. -.-“
39 Bakaiser
Wow,it’s one of my favorite.thanks
What fansub do this anime? :2thumbup
Please don’t post on forum – jhii07